Jonathan Worthington |Perl 6| wrote:

Little clarification...

Henry Baragar wrote:
I think that in your "Example 1", that you may be making too making too much of a distinction between "$a" and "@a". That is:
    sub f2(@y) {...}
has exactly the same signature as     sub f2($x is Array) {...}
In other words, they both take a single argument that must be of type Array.
@y just means "the argument must do the Positional role", so it's a looser constraint than "is Array". Equivalent is more like:

   sub f2(Positional $x) { }



I'm finding a difference in how a Positional is "bound to" a plain item variable.
If the paramter-argument bond is shown as:

my $x := @A;

how can the Item variable "really" bond _directly_ to the Positional object? It doesn't have STORE and FETCH methods. The item variable forwards methods to the contained item, and a directly-bonded Array does not.

I think I'm assuming more is (can be) happening at compile time.
The delegation would have to be handled at run-time, rather than as something the compiler knows about?

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