
John M. Dlugosz wrote:
I'm assuming that the container defines what item assignment means. At the very least, it will have the STORE method. But I want to have infix:<=> definable in general without having to make it masquerade as an Item Container.

I strongly agree with that. It should not be the case that an assignment

   $x = $y;

is compiled down to


That is, the assignment is a mere syntactic device. The above procedure
should be wrapped in the default implementation

   multi infix:<=> (Any $lhs is rw, Any $rhs)

Note that due to contravariance the type constraint of $lhs should
actually be the bottom type not Any. OTOH rw is invariant in general.
Only here in assignment the $lhs is write-only. But Perl 6 hasn't
specced that trait on parameters.

Regards, TSa.

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