On 2009-May-30, at 12:06 pm, David Green wrote:
...what "Perl6" is today, let alone what it will be tomorrow.

Actually, we do kind of know what Perl will look like a decade from now, because P6 is deliberately extensible enough that we may never need a Perl 7. But that simply means that holiday photos are already a possibility:

perl -MSteganography::Images pics/2009/ceylon.jpg

In fact, you could do that in Perl 5....

On 2009-May-30, at 9:32 am, Daniel Ruoso wrote:
If you replace "holiday pictures" by 'YAPC pictures', 'Talk slides',
'Code Snippets', 'Perl related scientific articles' it does look much
more closer to a very good use of CPAN.

Hm, all we need is the right grammar, and your slides can be their own code!


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