Jon Lang wrote:
On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Darren Duncan<> wrote:
Personally, I think that comments should have trailing # as well as leading
ones, so they are more like strings in that the same character is used to
mark both ends.

You mean like the following?

    q[quoted text]
    qq(interpolated quote)
    s<pattern> = "string"

The leading # in an inline comment is akin to the q|qq|s|tr etc. of
the various pseudo-quote structures: it identifies to what purpose the
brackets are being used.

Yes, it is like you say.

  A trailing # would be superfluous.

Okay, you make a point that the likes of q[] probably outweigh the use of '' or "" in non-trivial strings.

Note that my proposal is orthogonal to other issues like double-leading # or
whatever bracketing chars are used.

Also note that if the # are treated more like delimiters, then potentially
we could also have \# to escape literal #, same as we have \' or \" etc.

Ugh. One of the reasons for the likes of q< ... >, etc. is to provide
an alternative to having to escape the delimiter by allowing you to
select a delimiter that won't clash.   By making '#' a delimiter, you
remove that ability.

Still, I like the idea of #...# also being supported from the point of symmetry with '...' and "..." also being supported, not that this is necessary.

On the other hand, if #...# were supported, I would still also want Perl to DWIM when one uses a line of hash-marks for a visual divider line, like ###### (to 80 chars or something).

-- Darren Duncan

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