I like this way.

Would it be possible to remove the special purpose of \ from strings within IO constructs?

This would mean '\' could be used in naming paths as an alternative to '/', thus allowing windows and unix strings to be equivalent, eg. IO(:path<<{$root-path}/data/new>>) would be equivalent to IO(:path<<{$root-path}\data\new>>)

The usefulness would be most evident for sub-directories as windows and unix have different ways of describing root, viz. 'C:\' versus '/'

David Green wrote:
We should start thinking about the fundamental objects for doing IO as IO-objects. They *have* names, but they aren't names, or strings, or even filehandles (although they might *have* filehandles encapsulated inside to do the actual work). A filename is merely a way to get at the actual object, just as the string "2009/1/1" can be used to get a Date object. A string, or a handle, or an inode, or some unique filesystem spec number, or anything else you can get your hands on should be fed to a constructor: Of course, this being P6, we can have some kind of "io" macro that parses the single item after it:

my $file1 = io file://some/dir/some%20file; # the quick way my $file2 = IO.new(:protocol<file> :uri<foo/bar/a file.html>); # the verbose way

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