On 2009-Aug-16, at 2:26 pm, Damian Conway wrote:
It's Sunday evening and, as promised, here's the new draft of S26.

Yay! (To the contents, that is, not to the posting of it. Well, to the posting too, since otherwise it would have been much harder to read.)

Perl that accesses $=POD and/or the .WHY and .WHEREFORE methods

My favourite part is that it's actually called "WHEREFORE". (Take that, all-other-programming-languages!)

Hopefully this is something close to the final draft...and something that every stakeholder and faction in this long discussion can dislike equally. ;-)

I like it very much. But don't worry, I'll think of something to quibble about!


P.S. to format it using perldoc2xhtml, I had to change the "=begin item" at line 589 to "=for item".

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