On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Mark J. Reed<markjr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think $a <= $^x <= $b is short enough, and lets you choose between <
> and <= on both ends and without having to remember how many dots each
> maps to.

"How many dots"?

Note that there are three sets of comparison operators:

'<' and '<=' numify their arguments before comparing them.
'lt' and 'le' stringify their arguments before comparing them.
'before' compares its arguments without any coercion.  Note that
there's no equivalent to '<='.

I'm unclear as to which of these cases '..' is currently like, if any;
it may be an unholy hybrid of all three.  But for the sake of
argument, I'll assume that it's currently like '<' and '<='.

    $a ~~ 1..5   # $a ~~ 1 <= $_ <= 5
    $a ~~ 1^..5  # $a ~~ 1 < $_ <= 5
    $a ~~ 1..^5  # $a ~~ 1 <= $_ < 5
    $a ~~ 1^..^5 # $a ~~ 1 < $_ < 5

What's so hard about that?  And if '..' is like 'before', it can do
things that can't easily be done otherwise:

    $a ~~ 1..5 # 1 before $_ before 5 || $_ === 1 | 5

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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