On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 02:21:12PM -0700, Jon Lang wrote:
:     2.5 ~~ 1..5 # true: equivalent to "2.5 ~~ 1 <= $_ <= 5".

Current specced behavior for Range objects.

:     2.5 ~~ @(1..5) # false: equivalent to "2.5 ~~ (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)".

Not by current rules; which say the left side matches the list 1..5
as a whole.  We don't do implicit junctifying of lists anymore, and haven't
for several years.  Which points to the correct Perl 6 utterance for that:

    2.5 ~~ any(1..5)    # false

Wherein, as you suggest, the 1..5 in list context does in fact iterate the
range to produce individual values.


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