On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Jonathan Worthington

> I saw a video camera in the room, but not sure when we'll be seeing the
> footage from that. In the meantime, the slides are at:
> http://www.jnthn.net/papers/2010-yapc-eu-signatures.pdf
Nice talk! One minor nit, and perhaps I'm just misunderstanding some subtle
use of the terminology, but you say:

"In Perl 5, you get a copy of the arguments to work with in @_."

However, this isn't true (again, unless I'm misunderstanding you). @_ is a
by-reference list of positional parameters (Perl 5 only has positionals)
which are all read-write, which it's interesting to note, is impossible in
Perl 6... well, at least in Rakudo, as I'm not sure what the behavior is
supposed to be, but a slurpy positional list in Rakudo that's declared "is
rw" does not change the values passed in:

sub foo(*...@_ is rw) { @_[0] = 1 }
my $a = 0;
say $a; # 0

Kind of interesting that you can't easily emulate Perl 5's parameter

Aaron Sherman
Email or GTalk: a...@ajs.com

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