All set operations work on Rakudo, but none of the Unicode set
operators are enabled, because multibyte Unicode characters kill the
performance of Rakudo's parser when compiling Rakudo.

So for example you can use (|) for set union, but not ∪.  I think
there are probably some glitches there yet, particularly with set
construction -- Rakudo's version is based on an older version of
Niecza's implementation.  I'll probably get around to porting Niecza's
updates over to Rakudo before the August release.

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Richard Hainsworth
<> wrote:
> I'm well behind the curve on implementation, this I know.
> But before writing the email, I checked the perl6 web site on what was
> implemented. Set operations still given as not implemented.
> The impression I formed was that set operations would be a long time coming
> - even after Christmas.
> What subset is implemented (perhaps better, where is this documented).
> Richard
> On 07/18/2013 07:16 PM, Moritz Lenz wrote:
>> On 07/18/2013 01:07 PM, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
>>> Are set operations needed in Perl6? No implementation of the perl6 set
>>> specification yet exists (AFAIK).
>> You are wrong. Both rakudo and niecza implement significant subsets of the
>> set specification.
>> Cheers,
>> Moritz

Solomon Foster:
HarmonyWare, Inc:

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