Chris Nandor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> At 11:28 -0500 2000.09.25, David Grove wrote:

>> Evidently you've recognized a problem area that I may not have seen
>> before

> But you HAVE seen it before.  You've specifically discussed this
> apparent problem on many occassions.  Please do not be disingenous about
> this.  I refuse to continue a discussion where someone is lying to me
> and the other people reading the discussion.

I think most of us recognize David Grove at this point, at least those of
us who have been on perl5-porters.

David, Larry Wall has a different agenda concerning Perl than you want him
to have.  Unless you can convince him personally that his agenda is wrong,
you're not going to get anywhere with this; I highly doubt that any of the
rest of us are going to support a license that is more restrictive than
the one that Larry intentionally chose.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <>

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