>                             The Artistic License
>                          Version 2.0beta3, October 2000

I just realized that some of you might have read 2.0beta2 and don't want to
take the time to read beta3.  Here's the change, so you can view them
quickly.  I'll do the same for future versions over the next few days.

--- Artistic-2.0beta2.txt       Fri Sep 29 16:40:54 2000
+++ Artistic-2.0.txt    Fri Sep 29 16:54:08 2000
@@ -1,63 +1,53 @@
                             The Artistic License
-                         Version 2.0beta2, October 2000
+                         Version 2.0beta3, October 2000
 This copyright license states the terms under which a given free software
-Package may be copied, modified and/or redistributed, while the Copyright
-Holder maintains some artistic control over the future development of that
-Package (at least as much artistic control as can be given under copyright
-law while still making the Package freely redistributable).
+Package may be copied, modified and/or redistributed, while the
+Originator(s) maintain some artistic control over the future development of
+that Package (at least as much artistic control as can be given under
+copyright law while still making the Package open source and free software).
 This license is bound by copyright law, and thus it legally applies only to
-works which the Copyright Holder has permitted copying, distribution or
+works which the copyright holder has permitted copying, distribution or
 modification under the terms of the Artistic License, Version 2.0.
 You are reminded that You are always permitted to make arrangements wholly
-outside of a given copyright license directly with the Copyright Holder(s)
+outside of a given copyright license directly with the copyright holder(s)
 of a given Package.  If the terms of this license impede your ability to
-make full use of the Package, You are encouraged to contact the Copyright
-Holder(s) and seek a different licensing arrangement.
+make full use of the Package, You are encouraged to contact the copyright
+holder(s) and seek a different licensing arrangement.
-"Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the Copyright
-          Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files created
+"Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the
+          Originator(s), and derivatives of that collection of files created
           through textual modification.
-"Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been modified, or
-                   has been modified in accordance with the wishes of the
-                   Copyright Holder as specified in this document.
+"Standard Version" refers to the Package if it has not been modified, or has
+                   been modified only in ways suggested by the
+                   Originator(s).
-"Modified Version" refers to a Package that has been changed by You via
+"Modified Version" refers to the Package, if it has been changed by You via
                    textual modification of the source code, and such changes
-                   are not in accordance with the wishes of the Copyright
-                   Holder as specified in this document.
+                   were not suggested by the Originator(s).
-"Copyright Holder" refers to the author(s) of the Standard Version of the
-                   Package, as named in the copyright notice(s) that appear
-                   in the files included in the Standard Version.
+"Originator"       refers to the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s) of the
+                   Standard Version of the Package.
-"You" is any person who would like to copy, distribute, or modify the
-      Package.
+"You" and "Your" refers to any person who would like to copy, distribute, or
+                 modify the Package.
 "Distribution Fee" is any fee that You charge for providing a copy of this
-                   Package to another party.
-"Freely Available" means that:
-       (a) no fee is charged for the right to use the item (though a
-           Distribution Fee may be charged).
-       (b) recipients of the item may redistribute it under the same
-           conditions they received it.
+                   Package to another party.  It does not refer to licensing
+                   fees.
          Permission for Use and Modification Without Redistribution
-  (1) You are permitted to use and modify this Package (yielding a Modified
-      Version) in any way for any purpose without restriction, provided that
+  (1) You are permitted to use the Standard Version and create and use
+      Modified Versions for any purpose without restriction, provided that
       you do not redistribute the Modified Version to others outside of your
       company or organization.
@@ -69,11 +59,11 @@
       either gratis or for a Distribution Fee, provided that you duplicate
       all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.  At
       Your discretion, such verbatim copies may or may not include compiled
-      bytecode or binaries of the corresponding source code in the same
-      medium.
+      bytecode, object code or binary versions of the corresponding source
+      code in the same medium.
   (3) You may apply any bug fixes, portability changes, and other
-      modifications made available from any of the Copyright Holder(s).  The
+      modifications made available from any of the Originator(s).  The
       resulting modified Package will still be considered the Standard
       Version, and may be copied, modified and redistributed under the terms
       of the original license of the Standard Version as if it were the
@@ -84,15 +74,15 @@
   (4) You may modify your copy of the source code of this Package in any way
       and distribute that Modified Version (either gratis or for a
-      Distribution Fee, and with or without a corresponding binary version
-      of the Modified Version) provided that You insert in each modified
-      source file a prominent notice indicated when and how the file was
-      changed, and provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
-       (a) make the Modified Version available to the Copyright Holder(s) of
-           the Standard Version, under the exact license of the Standard
-           Version, so that the Copyright Holder(s) may include your
-           modifications into the Standard Version (at their discretion).
+      Distribution Fee, and with or without a corresponding binary, bytecode
+      or object code version of the Modified Version) provided that You
+      clearly indicate what You made to the Package, and provided that You
+      do at least ONE of the following:
+       (a) make the Modified Version available to the Originator(s) of the
+           Standard Version, under the exact license of the Standard
+           Version, so that the Originator(s) may include your modifications
+           into the Standard Version (at their discretion).
        (b) modify any installation scripts and procedures so that
            installation of the Modified Version will never conflict with an
@@ -103,12 +93,12 @@
            Standard Version.
        (c) permit and encourage anyone who receives a copy of the Modified
-           Version permission to make your modifications Freely Available in
-           some specific way.
+           Version to make the source code of the Modified Version available
+           to others under the exact license of the Standard Version.
       If Your Modified Version is in turn derived from a Modified Version
-      made by a third party, then you are still required to ensure that Your
-      Modified Version complies with the requirements of this section.
+      made by a third party, then You are still required to ensure that Your
+      Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license.
    Permissions for Redistribution of Non-Source Versions of Package
@@ -117,8 +107,12 @@
       versions of the Standard Version of the Package, provided that you
       include complete instructions on where to get the source code of the
       Standard Version.  Such instructions must be valid at the time of Your
-      distribution, and you are not responsible to update those instructions
-      after such distribution is complete.
+      distribution.  If these instructions, at any time while You are
+      carrying our such distribution, become invalid, you must provide new
+      instructions on demand or cease further distribution.  If You cease
+      distribution within thirty days after You become aware that the
+      instructions are invalid, then You do not forfeit any of Your rights
+      under this license.
   (6) You may distribute binary, object code, bytecode or other non-source
       versions of a Modified Version provided that You do at least ONE of
@@ -127,13 +121,17 @@
        (a) include a copy of the corresponding source code for the Modified
            Version under the terms indicated in (4).
-       (b) ensure that the installation Your non-source Modified Version
+       (b) ensure that the installation of Your non-source Modified Version
            does not conflict in any way with an installation of the Standard
            Version, and include for each program installed by the Modified
            Version clear documentation describing how it differs from the
            Standard Version.  In addition, your Modified Version must bear a
            name that is different from the Standard Version.
+       (c) ensure that the Modified Version includes notification of the
+           changes made from the Standard Version, and offer the
+           machine-readable source of the Modified Version by mail order.
         Permissions for Inclusion of the Package in Aggregate Works
@@ -150,12 +148,12 @@
       are also permitted to link Modified and Standard Versions of this
       Package with other works and distribute the result without
       restriction, provided You have produced binary program(s) that do not
-      overtly expose interfaces of the Package.  This includes permission to
-      embed the Package in a larger work of your own without exposing the a
-      direct interface to the Package.  This also includes permission to
-      build stand-alone binaries of your scripts that require the Package,
-      but do not otherwise give the casual user direct access to the Package
-      itself.
+      overtly expose the interfaces of the Package.  This includes
+      permission to embed the Package in a larger work of your own without
+      exposing a direct interface to the Package.  This also includes
+      permission to build stand-alone binary or bytecode versions of your
+      scripts that require the Package, but do not otherwise give the casual
+      user direct access to the Package itself.
         Items That are Never Considered Part of a Modified Version Package

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