On 2 Oct 2000 00:48:45 -0000, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:

>  Status: Frozen


>A copyright lawyer has I<not> looked at this license yet.  I sent it to Eben
>Moglen, but he is very busy and hasn't been able to reply due to lack of
>time.  I hope we find some copyright lawyers to look it over pro-bono and
>make sure it does what we want.

I don't get it. One one hand, this note clearly marks the RFC as
"preliminary". OTOH, the status is marked as "frozen", meaning that it
can no longer change.

The only reason for the existence of this conflict is in the 1 October
deadline, and that eveything not frozen will be treated as retracted.

Isn't this whole business just plain silly?


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