David Grove wrote:

> Also, as far as documentation goes, I think it _should_ be written by
> apprentices, so that non-masters can understand it too. That's always been
> a huge criticism of the perldocs. That's not grunt work. That's proper
> allocation of duties to the best suited personnel for the benefit of the
> project.

Except it's a particular duty that nobody really likes to perform. Which 
pushes it into the realm of grunt work. But don't worry so much about 
the stigma of shit work -- it's a natural selection thing. Apprentices 
had better be willing to do some amount of stuff that isn't the most fun 
thing they could be doing, or nobody will take them on. Masters had 
better not just dump unwanted junk on their apprentices, or they soon 
won't have any. Nuke 'em all and let the market sort them out.

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