On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 12:48:54AM -0400, Bryan C . Warnock wrote:
> Okay, fun's over.  Back to work.
> There was a Perl Documentation BOF that was scheduled for 6:30 Friday; 
> however, it seems none of the folks who showed up actually called it, and 
> none of the folks who called it actually showed up.  (Or showed up fairly 
> late - after I had already left.)
> What was it about?  I'm working on some comprehensive Perl 6 reference 
> material for the group, but would like to take into consideration any 
> upcoming changes to how docs are done.
> Ziggy?  You posted the note, but I don't remember for whom.

Um.  Wow.  Casey and I didn't think anyone had seen the notice.

The idea was that a few of us interested in the Perl Documentation Project
(similarity to the Linux Doc Proj completely intentional) should get
together and talk about a few organizational issues.  A few people
were interested in the PDP at the conference, but by Friday, we thought
the message wasn't getting out in enough detail to have a fruitful

Issues that need to be resolved include:

        0. Licensing (Casey favors OPL, Bradley strongly urges FDL, with
                a reliance on copyright law, and I'm the simple son who
                knows not how to ask...)
        1. Target Audience
        2. Format (quick to read, quick to write docs that link together;
                2 paragraph intro that becomes a daily tip)
        3. Document Types (tutorial, howto, faq, what else do we need?)
        4. Key areas of focus (perl5 newbies, perl6, whatever)

That was it.  This discussion will probably take place online sometime
in the next month.


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