> I haven't finished this idea yet but, I was talking with Andy Wardley
> and this may be the idea.  Except it will be the Template Toolkit
> interfacing with wiki which means we can build filters that translate
> POD.  Of course, if the wiki internal format isn't some type of
> DocBook, it's not going to solve all our problems very well.

I was really thinking more of the generic wiki concept (super
lightweight online editable hypertext, very much a spiritual
cousin of POD), than any particular wiki.

I was also thinking about literate programming. Basically, it
seems like great timing to make the attempt to partially integrate:

1. POD;
2, An online editable hypertext engine for development of POD;
3. An online editable hypertext engine for discussion of all things;
4. Literate programming;

Someone created a literate programming perl wiki that builds
itself out of the pages of its wiki. Might be a good thing to look at.

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