I was just reading the AES referenced above and I can say now that I'm
really happy about some changes to Regexes, and that a grammar may
well be what we're looking for. However, even with this great tool, we
still have to handle the implementation. Though I can see the benefit
of using the grammar, the problem is still which syntax to use, and
then having to define the syntax in grammars.

I can definitely see it as an eventuality, possibly a necessity, but
it doesn't solve the problem at hand of _which formatting syntax to

Then again, this is only a facet of the whole thing. There still is
the persistence layer, the architecture, and a myriad of other

Maybe this would be a good time to (semi-)formalize some form of
recommendations for the project?


P.S. -- MVC, I think, is the way to go.

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