> "My bigger concern with the Perl6 syntax is that they expect humans to
> write it.  This is a similar problem that Forth and Lisp had.  You see
> how widely used those are now..." 
> How would you respond?

I would expose and challenge the presumptions in the statement.

"My bigger concern..."  Do you have others?  If so, what are they?  If
not, then what you really mean is "My only concern is ..."

More significantly, "...they expect humans to write it."  This implies
that perl not only takes a little effort to learn (as does any language,
or indeed, anything worth doing) but that its *extremely* difficult -
well beyond the reach of most mere mortals. This is demonstrably false
as perl has a very large following and most of us are common folk
(Damian - you go stand over there for a minute :-) - indeed many of us
are not even programmers by trade.  As an aside, I believe it's an
insult to those who have worked so hard on the language design,
specifically $Larry - not because he did most of it but because he tries
to make the language more intuitive and "incrementally learnable" - more
or less the opposite of the accusation.

Ask her to take a look at http://www.wall.org/~larry/natural.html.

"You don't learn a natural language even once, in the sense that you
never stop learning it. Nobody has ever learned any natural language

Others have already made the point - perl is not like most languages in
that it offers many ways to do things and it's not expected that you
necessarily know them all.  The idea is you use the one that matches
your brain or the particular problem at hand or that reflects the point
you're at in learning perl.  Other languages strive for "one obvious
way" which offers the comfort of knowing your doing it the "right" way
at the expense of being able to choose a more specific way that better
matches you, the problem, the time frame you've got to solve it,

I believe this is at the heart of you protagonists' statement.  I'd
suggest that statements like this reflect an anxiousness of not being
capable of getting across the whole of the new language.  The sad fact
is that it doesn't matter.  If you know "a way" that solves the problem
in the time frame, then do that.  You can learn a "better" way -
whatever that means - next time the problem arises and you have the time
to do so.

"This is a similar problem that Forth and Lisp had."

How so?  Are they multi-paradigmatic leading to a large and rich
selection of syntax and approaches to choose from?  Or do they try to
shoe-horn you into a specific approach that suited some users/problems
but is unsuitable to many?   

"You see how widely used those are now..."

In certain problem domains each remains the language of choice.  They
weren't aiming to solve as broad a range of problems as perl does so one
shouldn't expect them to have as high a profile.  In fact, it's harder
to think of better examples of languages that cannot be compared with
perl.  So, whatever problems they arguably have, I wouldn't expect to
see those problems in perl - or at least, not necessarily.

The other more simple point to make is to ask her - "How much
programming/experimenting with perl6 have you done?  Can I have look at
the results?"  If the answer is "not much" then the obvious question
arises - "then how do you know its going to be so hard to write?"

Perhaps the above is a little harsh (and unnecessarily long) but its how
I'd tackle it.


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