I have a Perl 6 function currently written in the form:

    sub func($x) {
     for @data -> $datum {
      if condition($datum, $x) ff * {
       # Do various things
     # Do various other things

I want the "various things" code to be run for the first element in C<@data> for which C<condition($datum, $x)> returns true and for every element in C<@data> after that (regardless of whether C<condition()> is true, and ignoring the possibility of C<last>s) and for the state of whether C<condition()> has returned true to be reset for each invocation of C<func()>. I originally thought that the C<ff> operator with Whatever as its right-hand operand (so that it never unflipped/ flopped) would do what I meant, but the documentation for Perl 5's C<..> in scalar context (which S03 currently defers to) seems to imply that C<ff>'s state is maintained across function invocations. Rakudo doesn't seem to have implemented C<ff> yet, so I can't test it, but if the state is indeed maintained across calls in Perl 6, how should I write C<func()> instead? The best way I can think of is the very C- like practice of creating a variable to store whether C<condition($datum, $x)> has returned true yet and updating it each iteration until true is returned, but it seems like Perl 6 should have a better way.

Thanking you in advance,

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