yary wrote:
> Sounds like a spectest is in order to prevent that case from
> happening, didn't see one in http://perlcabal.org/syn/S03.html (not
> that that's the definitive place to look for tests, but that's why I'm
> posting instead of DIY)

There are tests in t/spec/S03-operators/flip-flop.t, but I never really
looked at them, and can't assess their quality or fittingness in a few
minutes. Feel free to hack away.


>>However, I can well
>> imagine an implementation botching the cloning of the loop body by
>> assuming it's static and not cloning it.  That would not be Perl 6,
>> since in Perl 6 every block is assumed to be a closure, and C<for>
>> is assumed to work just like C<map>, which will certainly clone
>> its closure....

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