> This sounds broken, actually; I understand that a Failure treated as > a Bool 
> prevented it from throwing, so it should have simply returned
> False. > > Checking it for .defined *does* prevent throwing. Still
seems like a > bug.
It doesn't get "treated as a Bool"; any Failure makes it through a
return typecheck as if it were the right type, that's why you can "fail"
in a method that has its return type set to be "Int", even though
Failure doesn't derive from Int. So we don't have to go around giving
every single method a return type like "Any where { Failure | Int }".

I see .f as "is it a file". "Is /blahblah a file? Oops! I can't check
that, because /blahblah doesn't exist". It's a different use case from
"does it exist". You'd likely want to have something more like

    my $file = "/home/linuxutil/erasxeme.txt".IO; say $file.e &&

i.e. first check if it exists, then check if it's actually a file.
Though something could have deleted the file between checking if it
exists and whether it's a file or not, that's why i'm putting a .Bool
after the .f check, too.

hope that makes sense
  - Timo

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