One of the paradoxes of documentation, and the teaching of many
abstract topics, is that those with the most in-depth knowledge of the
topic,are the least suitable to explain it,  precisely because of that
knowledge. They can't remember what it felt like not to know
something, and they've usually learnt a
jargon to simplify and speed discussions. That has to be filtered
through 2 or 3 layers of ignorance before it's diluted to
comprehensibility. If you don't know what you don't know, it's hard to
plot a route to mastery. (On the other hand, more than one expert has
said something like "the best way to learn a topic is to teach a
course in it".)

In wanders the noob, and s/he is surrounded by weird words, some
utterly new, which may or may not have their usual meanings if they
aren't. It's hard to start exploring Wonderland when you don't even
know how to ask the way to the rabbit hole.

My impression of the Perl 6 documentation is that it was written by
the designers and implementors, for their needs, a by-product of the
development process. Since it's at the intersection of linguistics and
computer science, the terminology tends to be a blend of both,
seasoned with a pinch of local dialect. It's designed to answer
questions like "what category of language is it?", "what programming
paradigms does it favour?", "how is [some feature] designed?". For
someone constructing a taxonomy of computer languages, or looking for
interesting compiler techniques, it's great. That doesn't help the
(English major) beginner who wants to find and fix incorrectly cased
names  in a file, or extract some data.

It's also like the Unix documentation, an example-free zone. That
assumes that the reader is skilled in converting abstract categories
into explanatory examples for themselves, possibly one of the
fundamental skills of programming.  (It's much more natural to learn
an abstract principle for re-use by having it explained through a
concrete example.)

I'm still trying to map a path into the jungle from practical daily
treks, and it takes ruthless pruning of the language's features to
avoid diversions and use of as-yet-unexplained features.  (P5 can be
tricky that way, too, but there's not as much to hide behind the
curtain.) Trainee sales droids are taught not to mention "features",
unless they can explain at least 2 "benefits" to the mark, (sorry,
"prospect").  I'm going to start out with 5 ways to produce valid P6
that does absolutely nothing, and proceed from there. It'll be
interesting to see if that approach works.

(Apologies to Tom Browder for duplication; I had to edit the start of
the message to make sense )

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