The star in the signature states that @list is a slurpy (or variadic)
parameter, i.e. that @list will slurp up all remaining arguments provided
to the subroutine.


Le dim. 30 sept. 2018 à 11:32, ToddAndMargo <> a
écrit :

> On 9/26/18 7:27 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
> > And again: this is only because you know perl 5. People are not born
> > knowing perl 5; to someone who doesn't know it, perldoc raises the same
> > kinds of questions you have been asking, and the answers have to be
> > found in perlsyn or perldata, etc. Which is exactly what you have been
> > complaining about with respect to perl 6 doing the same kind of thing.
> Geez Louise Bradley!  The above is a really bad argument!
> "perldocs -f xxx" is a bazillion times easier to understand
> than Perl 6's manual, regardless if you know Perl 5 or not.
> And, by the way, I wonder just how may are coming to Perl 6
> without ANY Perl 5 experience?
> In every instance I can look up, perldocs puts Perl 6's
> documentation to shame.
> A simple comparison: which one leaves you knowing how to use
> the function and which one leaves you wondering "What the h***???"
> $ perldoc -f join
>      join EXPR,LIST
>              Joins the separate strings of LIST into a single string with
>              fields separated by the value of EXPR, and returns that new
>              string. Example:
>                 my $rec = join(':',
> $login,$passwd,$uid,$gid,$gcos,$home,$shell);
>              Beware that unlike "split", "join" doesn't take a pattern
>              as its first argument. Compare "split".
>      (List) routine join
>      Defined as:
>      sub    join($separator, *@list --> Str:D)
>      method join(List:D: $separator --> Str:D)
>      Treats the elements of the list as strings, interleaves
>      them with $separator and concatenates everything into a
>      single string.
>      Example:
>      join ', ', <a b c>;             # RESULT: «a, b, c»
>      Note that the method form does not flatten sublists:
>      say (1, <a b c>).join('|');     # OUTPUT: «1|a b c␤»
> Oh and what the &*@% is a "*@list"?  And why does the sub have one
> and the method does not?  They are suppose to be identical.
> -T

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