On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 23:57 ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Does anyone know of a paper out in web land showing how to
> do bitwise operations?  DuckDuckGo give me tons of hits
> for Perl 5.
> Trying to AND 0010 0000 with 0001 0000
> $ p6 'my $v = 32 & 16; say $v;'
> all(32, 16)
> should give me 0000 0000.

"Should give you"? Why do you say that?

Go to docs.perl6.org. Type "bitwise" into the search box. You will see a
popup, "Numeric bitwise AND operator". Click it to be taken to
which will tell you the bitwise AND operator in Perl 6 is +&.

Run the same command with +& and you will get the answer 0.

If, on the other hand, you go to docs.perl6.org, and type "&" into the
search box, you will see under "Infix" (since you used the operator between
two things, it is Infix, as the docs say if you type "infix" into the
search box and click the first entry under "Reference"; I have no idea how
you'd divine that such a thing is called an infix operator aside from
common programming parlance, but if you have an idea how that might be
expressed it can easily be added to the index) that the first entry is "&".

Click on this "&" and you are taken to https://docs.perl6.org/routine/&;
which rather clearly says it returns an all Junction.

So I wonder why were you under the impression that the above "should give
[you] 0000 0000"?


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