See also:

> On 19 Oct 2018, at 03:52, Joseph Brenner <> wrote:
> I've got another question about aug--yes, I know--ment.
> I've got a module ides_of_augment.pm6:
>  augment class Any {
>      method hiccup {
>          say "hic!";
>      }
>  }
> I would've thought it could be used in the repl like this:
>  perl6 -Mides_of_augment
>> (Any).hiccup
>  hic!
>> my @a=< a b c d >;
>  [a b c d]
>> @a.hiccup
>  No such method 'hiccup' for invocant of type 'Array'. Did you mean 'hiccup'?
>    in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
> As you can see, it kind-of augments the Any class, but evidently
> does it too late to (completely) change an instance of Array.
> I tried a few things like "BEGIN augment" or "INIT augment"
> without any luck.
> Any suggestions (besides "don't do it")?

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