El lun., 4 nov. 2019 a las 8:35, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users (<
perl6-users@perl.org>) escribió:

> Problem still occurs with selinux disabled
selinux operates at a higher level. This is plain and simple not having the
write bit set for your particular user.

Anyway, try this (as a regular user)

* Create a META6.json metadata file for every module, or a bunch of them,
using the classic module layout (in a lib/ directory from root).
That is

/-- META6.json

Make sure that MyModule.p6 is actually declared that way.
* zef test . (always a good idea too, including writing those self same
* zef install . (zef will run tests too, so you double check).

That's the advised way to proceed always when you're developing a module.
Once installed, you can use your modules from anywhere and, since they are
in the default location, no need to use lib or -I.

BTW, that's clearly specified in the official documentation for modules

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