On 11/4/19 3:42 AM, Tom Browder wrote:
On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 04:44 ToddAndMargo via perl6-users
<perl6-users@perl.org> wrote:

Todd, please don't be so careless in what you show us. It's difficult
to zero in on your problem.  Do me a favor and go to a clean, empty
directory somewhere named 'mytest', and create EXACTLY what I describe

+ create a sub-directory named 'lib'
+ in the sub-directory create two files named 'A.pm6' and 'B.pm6'
+ the contents of 'A.pm6':

     unit module A;
     sub A is export(:A) { say "A" }
     sub B is export(:B) { say "B" }

+ the contents of 'B.pm6':

     unit module B;
     sub A is export(:A) { say "A" }
     sub B is export(:B) { say "B" }

+ back in directory 'mytest' run the following command
     and you should get the same results I do: a single 'A'.

$ perl6 -e 'use lib <lib>; use A :A; A'

Please show EXACTLY your command and the results, with no other
comment (and please DON'T TOP POST).

And do not make ANY changes to the test setup described above until I
ask you to.


Hi Tom,

If you ever catch me top posting, please dope slap me!

Here you go.

Thank you for the h elp!


# mkdir -p mytest/lib
# cd mytest

[root@rn6 mytest]# ls -aF lib
./  ../  A.pm6  B.pm6

# cat lib/A.pm6
unit module A;
sub A is export(:A) { say "A" }
sub B is export(:B) { say "B" }

# cat lib/B.pm6
unit module B;
sub A is export(:A) { say "A" }
sub B is export(:B) { say "B" }

[root@rn6 mytest]# perl6 -e 'use lib <lib>; use A :A; A'
WARNINGS for -e:
Useless use of constant value A in sink context (line 1)

[root@rn6 mytest]# ls -aF lib
./  ../  A.pm6  B.pm6  .precomp/

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