On 2019-12-06 10:24, JJ Merelo wrote:

Please use the new URLs, those are deprecated, are no longer updated, and might stop working without prior notice:




Hi JJ,

Good catch.  Thank you!

I have refined the keeper to include your modifications
and have added how to access values inside and array
and how to add key/pairs to an existing hash.  I also
correct the :bv adverbs typo


Perl 6 Hashes (associative arrays):


A hash "associates" a Name, called a "key" to a Value, called a "value"

   You assign them as follows:

      # use whatever is easiest on the eyes
      my %h =   a => "A", b => "B";      or
      my %h = ( a => "A", b => "B" );    or
      my %h = [ a => "A", b => "B" ];
      {a => A, b => B}

      say %h.keys
      (b a)

      say %h.values
      (B A)

   You read them as follows:
      $v = %h<b>

      When the key is a variable, your read them as follows
         $k = "a"
         $v = %h{$k}

   To add or delete and element, see the sections below labeled
         Adding a key/value pair:
         Deleting a key/value pair:

   Looping through a hash:
Note: hashes DO NOT loop in the order that they were entered into the hash

       for @x.kv -> $key, $value {do something};

       For example:

          my %h = a => "x", b=>"r", c=>"z";
          for %h.kv ->  $key, $value {say "key = $key  value = $value"; }
          key = c  value = z
          key = a  value = x
          key = b  value = r

   Array's of hashes:
       To access values inside and array of hashes:
             my @a; my %h = a=>"A", b=>"B"; push @a, %h;
                 $x = @a[0]{"a"}    # Note: you need the quotes

                 @a[0]{"b"} = "BB"

       How to use arrays of hashes:
          my @a;
          my %h1; my %h2;

          %h1 = a => 0, b => 1, c => 2;
          %h2 = a => 9, b => 8, c => 7;

          push @a, {%h1};
         push @a, {%h2};

          say @a;
          [{a => 0, b => 1, c => 2} {a => 0, b => 1, c => 2}]

          for @a.kv -> $i, $h { say "$i\n" ~ "$h\n"; };
          # Note: the ~ is to make it easier to read
          #       even though $h is address as $ it is a hash
              a 0
              b 1
              c 2

              a 9
              b 8
              c 7

    Checking for the presence of a key/value:
       my %h = a => "x", b=>"r", c=>"z";
       if %h<c> { say "exists"; } else { say "DOES NOT exist"; }
       DOES NOT exist

       if %h<b> { say "exists"; } else { say "DOES NOT exist"; }

   Adding a key/value pair:
       my %h = a => "x", b=>"r", c=>"z";
       %h.append( 'd',  "D" )               # note: you need the ''
       {a => x, b => r, c => z, d => D}

   Deleting a key/value pair:
   Note: "delete" is called an "adverb" in this context
       my %h = a => "x", b=>"r", c=>"z";
       %h<b>:delete; say %h
       {a => x, c => z}

   Display a key/value pair  (:p adverb):
       my %h = a => "x", b=>"r", c=>"z";
       say %h<a>:p;
       a => x
       say %h<a b>:p;   # note: no comma between the a and the b
       (a => x b => r)

   Return the key and value with the :k and :v adverbs:
       my %h = a => 1, b => 2;
       say %h<a>:k;

       say %h<a b>:k;
      (a b)

      say %h<a b>:v;
      (1 2)

      Empty <> return everything:
         say %h<>:v;
         (2 1)

         say %h<>:k;
         (b a)

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