On 2019-12-06 02:39, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
Hi All,

My favorite variable is the associative array (hash).  I finally updated my keeper file on them.

If anyone is interested, here goes!


Hi All,

Okay, here it is again with the booboo Mark pointed
to me corrected.

Please feel free to criticize anything you find wrong,
there may be other booboo too.



Perl 6 Hashes (associative arrays):


A hash "associates" a Name, called a "key" to a Value, called a "value"

   You assign them as follows:

      # use whatever is easiest on the eyes
      my %h =   a => "A", b => "B";      or
      my %h = ( a => "A", b => "B" );    or
      my %h = [ a => "A", b => "B" ];
      {a => A, b => B}

      say %h.keys
      (b a)

      say %h.values
      (B A)

   You read them as follows:
      $v = %h<b>

      When the key is a variable, your read them as follows
         $k = "a"
         $v = %h{$k}

   To add or delete and element, see the sections below labeled
         Adding a key/value pair:
         Deleting a key/value pair:

   Looping through a hash:
Note: hashes DO NOT loop in the order that they were entered into the hash

       for @x.kv -> $key, $value {do something};

       For example:

          my %h = a => "x", b=>"r", c=>"z";
          for %h.kv ->  $key, $value {say "key = $key  value = $value"; }
          key = c  value = z
          key = a  value = x
          key = b  value = r

   Array's of hashes:
       To access values inside and array of hashes:
             my @a; my %h = a=>"A", b=>"B"; push @a, %h;
                 $x = @a[0]{"a"}    # Note: you need the quotes

                 @a[0]{"b"} = "BB"

       How to use arrays of hashes:
          my @a;
          my %h1; my %h2;

          %h1 = a => 0, b => 1, c => 2;
          %h2 = a => 9, b => 8, c => 7;

          push @a, {%h1};
         push @a, {%h2};

          say @a;
          [{a => 0, b => 1, c => 2} {a => 0, b => 1, c => 2}]

          for @a.kv -> $i, $h { say "$i\n" ~ "$h\n"; };
          # Note: the ~ is to make it easier to read
          #       even though $h is address as $ it is a hash
              a 0
              b 1
              c 2

              a 9
              b 8
              c 7

    Checking for the presence of a key/value:

      Warning: a Gotcha:
           if using the "if" statement to check for the existence
           of a key, it will return false if it does not find the key,
           but it will also return false if it finds the key and its
           value is a numerical zero, which "if" interprets as
           a Boolean false.

       Note: "exists" is called an "adverb" in this context
          my %h = a => "x", b=>0, c=>"z";

          if %h<d>:exists { say "exists"; } else { say "DOES NOT exist"; }
          DOES NOT exist

          if %h<b>:exists { say "exists"; } else { say "DOES NOT exist"; }

   Adding a key/value pair:
       my %h = a => "x", b=>"r", c=>"z";
       %h.append( 'd',  "D" )               # note: you need the ''
       {a => x, b => r, c => z, d => D}

   Deleting a key/value pair:
   Note: "delete" is called an "adverb" in this context
       my %h = a => "x", b=>"r", c=>"z";
       %h<b>:delete; say %h
       {a => x, c => z}

   Display a key/value pair  (:p adverb):
       my %h = a => "x", b=>"r", c=>"z";
       say %h<a>:p;
       a => x
       say %h<a b>:p;   # note: no comma between the a and the b
       (a => x b => r)

   Return the key and value with the :k and :v adverbs:
       my %h = a => 1, b => 2;
       say %h<a>:k;

       say %h<a b>:k;
      (a b)

      say %h<a b>:v;
      (1 2)

      Empty <> return everything:
         say %h<>:v;
         (2 1)

         say %h<>:k;
         (b a)

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