On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 21:18 Trey Harris <t...@lopsa.org> wrote:

> values, such as 'undefined' and 'Nil' as well as its type.
And that’s another thing: you’ll notice if you define a `my uint8 $x;` it
will be set to 0. No undefined, no Nil. That doesn’t happen with non-native
numeric values.

> Nope. If I give you:
> 0x41
> and tell you that’s a single octet, and that’s all you have, and I and ask
> you whether that’s an “A” or a decimal 97 or something else described by
> 01000001, how do you answer? You can’t.
> Raku knows at compile time—otherwise, it couldn’t autobox into an ‘Int’
> vs. a ‘Real’ for an int32 vs. a num32, for example—but that’s not currently
> exposed to the runtime; you can pitch a new feature, but it would be
> necessary to know what one would use it for to design an interface for it.
> An ability to cause a failure or exception to be thrown if a given value
> is autoboxed would be much more defensible, I think—“I need to ensure this
> thing doesn’t get munged by something unexpected into a form that my native
> call will barf at” seems more reasonable (though unboxing should prevent
> that in cases where you’re not round-tripping outside of Raku before your
> native call).

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