On 2020-01-28 18:18, Trey Harris wrote:
my uint $z = -32;

Another misunderstanding on my part.  I thought it
would barf.

All I really need to know is what is expected.
To me I am getting wrong answers back, but as
long as they are consistent answers I can deal
with it:

if $ValueData.^name ne "Int" || $ValueData < 0 { # UInt gets "boxed to an Int

Thank you for all the time you have spent with me on this!


This all came up when I tried to match

          _In_ HKEY hKey,
          _In_opt_ LPCWSTR lpValueName,
          _Reserved_ DWORD Reserved,
          _In_ DWORD dwType,
          _In_reads_bytes_opt_(cbData) CONST BYTE * lpData,
          _In_ DWORD cbData

where CbData can either be a UTF little endian C string,
terminated by a nul or a four byte little endian
unsigned integer (no two's complement allowed) depending
on the value of lpValueName (REG_SZ, REG_DWORD, etc.)

I wound up doing this:

subset StrOrDword where Str | UInt;
sub WinRegSetValue( WinRegHives $Hive, Str $SubKey, Str $KeyName, ValueNames $ValueType, StrOrDword $ValueData, Bool $Debug = False )
                    returns DWORD is export( :WinRegSetValue ) {

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