On 2020-01-29 10:28, Trey Harris wrote:
B is not a subset of A. That is the relationship of uint and int—two distinct types whose values happen to overlap in a way that describes a subset. Perl isn’t Prolog; a logical relationship between two types is not a first-class entity of the language.

    I know, I am slicing the baloney thin here, but uint is
    not a static C variable. It can change into an int with
    the position of the moon.

I’m STILL waiting for you to show me ONE example of a `uint` turning into `int`. Not `Int`, via auto-boxing, `int`, via who-knows-what. Either do that, or stop making the assertion it does that; if you don’t show a reproducible example, I am going to conclude you are lying if you persist.

$ p6 'my uint8 $u; say $u.^name;'

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