On 2020-02-27 02:05, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 2020-02-27 00:52, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 2020-02-27 00:01, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 2020-02-26 15:37, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 2020-02-26 15:11, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 2020-02-26 15:06, Norman Gaywood wrote:
I don't have a windows system to test, but in all the examples shown I did not see:

qqx{ C:/Windows/System32/fsutil.exe usn readdata "$FileName" };

which is how I would have expected to write the command.

That is the way I do it in Linux too.

$FileName works without the quotes if the file name does
not have any spaces in it.  With spaces, fsutil grips
about not finding the file and you sent one too many
parameters to it.

I will try the shell command


qqx not picking up quotes in Windows 7

JJ closed it:

   "Sorry, Todd, not the place for this. This would
   probably go better in StackOverflow or in the mailing

This is the stack exchange post I made (before JJ
closed the bug by the way):

Raku: what is the syntax for shell calls with spaces?

JJ gave some examples with the "echo" command and shell,
which was not very helpful.
I just added the result to my actually code of doing
that with shell and JJ's echo recommendations and the
problem reproduces.

Reopened the bug at a better location as
recommended by Patrick and Niner:

qqx, shell not operating quotes properly

Turn out it was a duplicate of

How should Proc::Async.new, run and shell call cmd.exe?

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