On 2020-02-27 11:05, Andy Bach wrote:
This did work
my $file = 'hi mom'
$file ~~ s:g/\s+/*/;
my $res = qqx(dir $file);
say $res;

Just updated to 2020.01

Still getting this:

C:\NtUtil>dir Test*
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 8A79-8401

 Directory of C:\NtUtil

02/27/2020  12:56 AM                 5 test 1
02/27/2020  12:56 AM                 5 test2
               2 File(s)             10 bytes

C:\NtUtil>raku k:\Windows\NtUtil\FileAttributes.pl6 "Test 1"
FileName <Test 1>
Usage : fsutil usn readData <filename>
   Eg : fsutil usn readData C:\Temp\sample.txt
Error:  The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Proc.new(in => IO::Pipe, out => IO::Pipe, err => IO::Pipe, exitcode => 1, signal => 0, pid => 1528, command => ("C:/Windows/System32/fsutil.exe usn readdata \"\$FileName\"",))

The code looks like this:

say "FileName <" ~ $FileName ~ ">";
@Result = qqx { C:/Windows/System32/fsutil.exe usn readdata "$FileName" }.lines;
for @Result -> $Line  { say $Line; };

@Result = shell( 'C:/Windows/System32/fsutil.exe usn readdata "$FileName"' );
for @Result -> $Line  { say $Line; };



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