On 2020-06-06 22:46, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 2020-06-04 04:35, Richard Hainsworth wrote:

I wrote you one a very long time ago, after a question from you.

The module is called "Inform". Its on the modules site.

Since it was a long time ago, there may be some bit-rot. Let me know if there is .

The module should show how to use GTK, and there is a time-out function.

Richard, aka finanalyst

On 04/06/2020 02:55, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
Hi All,

Okay, now I know I am pushing it.  Can anyone point me to
an example of a GTK information pop up with a time out
feature?  Or similar?

Many thanks,

Hi Richard,

Line 29: $popup.show(...

I am not finding a method called "show" in the
documents.  What is it doing here?


"show" is a method exported from Informative.pm6:

method show(
            Str $str?,
            Int :$timer,
            Bool :$show-countdown
        ) {
            self.init if $!reinit;
            $!text = $str
                with $str;
            gtk_label_set_markup($!inf-lable, $!text.Str);

            unless @!buttons.elems {
                $!timer = $timer // $!timer;
                $!show-countdown = $show-countdown // $!show-countdown;
                $!text = $str // $!text;
                self.make-text( $!timer );

                if $!timer > 0 {
                    my $counter = $!timer - 1;
                    $!tap = $!sup.tap( {
                        self.make-text( $counter );
                        if ($counter <= 0) {
                        } );
                    self.deleted.tap( { self.hide; });


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