> On 28 Dec 2020, at 16:23, Parrot Raiser <> wrote:
> I just went to the page at on multi-line comments, to
> suggest a couple of clarifying edits. The pencil icon invoked a 404
> from GitHub.
> When one goes to make a fix, and the fixer is broken, it's a bit
> recursive. Can anyone cure problem #1, so I can get to step #2? :-)*
> On 12/28/20, Elizabeth Mattijsen <> wrote:
>> ❤️
>>> On 28 Dec 2020, at 13:54, Richard Hainsworth <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Todd,
>>> Some of what you have said in this email list over the years has been very
>>> valuable. You ask questions that get some very illuminating answers. I
>>> wrote a Module just for you (although I' still trying to get it to work on
>>> Windows) and it inspired me to look much more deeply at GTK::Simple, which
>>> I have just become the maintainer for.
>>> So please take what I say now as a plea for you to adapt a little, not to
>>> get pissed off with us even though you do seem to have pissed some of us
>>> off.
>>> You have very definite ideas about what the documentation should and
>>> shouldn't be. You have stated them over and over again. The Raku community
>>> at large - based on replies from multiple individuals over the years -
>>> disagrees with you.
>>> The Raku community has come to the concensus that there is a distinction
>>> between Tutorials and Reference, and that the Documentation site should
>>> contain both. Tutorials define how to use some aspect of Raku, with
>>> example text and explanation. Reference tries to cover as much of the
>>> language as possible, covering all the methods/subs/names/types etc as
>>> possible. Reference is written for a person who already knows how to
>>> program and who uses Raku. The assumption is that if a person reading a
>>> reference does not understand some term, then s/he will search in the
>>> documentation on that term to understand it.
>>> No set of documentation standards will please everyone - that's life. Even
>>> so, there ARE STILL areas of the Raku documentation that are lacking (just
>>> look at the issues on the Documentation repository, any of them raised by
>>> our indefatigable JJ).
>>> However, the balances between prolixity and brevity, examples and
>>> assumption of knowledge, exhibited in the Raku Documentation do by and
>>> large reflect a community consensus.
>>> It is polite in a community of rational human beings to accept what seems
>>> to be the general consensus, even if you do not agree with it. By
>>> continuing to demand your views about documentation should be accepted
>>> without any support from anyone else, is quite irritating. So please try
>>> to find a different way to express ways to improve the documentation that
>>> will not piss people off.
>>> You have suggested in this email list a variety of 'keepers', which seem
>>> to be the way you document your use of Raku. However, these 'keeper' texts
>>> are full of spelling mistakes, indicating you do not use a spell-checker,
>>> and also are ambiguous or technically wrong. Personally, I have not found
>>> your keepers to have been any use at all. But they may be useful to
>>> someone. Even worse, it is not possible for me to find a collection of
>>> your keepers because they are in posts to this email list, and I am not
>>> going to search through thousands of emails for your keepers on something
>>> whose keywords I would need to guess at. So the form you have made the
>>> keepers available is not easily accessible.
>>> In addition, the way the Raku community has evolved to work is to make
>>> changes to Documentation, whether Tutorials or Reference, by actually
>>> suggesting changes. If you look on the upper right of any primary document
>>> (the site displays pages that are both automatically
>>> generated from primary documents, and the primary documents themselves -
>>> basically the documents referenced from the home page), you will see a
>>> Pencil icon. Click on that, and you will be taken to the github site and
>>> you can directly edit the document. The change is then submitted as a Pull
>>> Request, and it will be reviewed. If the change is seen to be reasonable,
>>> it is included.
>>> In this way, every single member of the Raku Community has the ability to
>>> make or suggest a contribution.
>>> However, a word of caution about human nature. If you go and try to
>>> completely change all the documentation to the way you want it, trashing
>>> everything that has already been contributed, it is extremely unlikely
>>> that your amendments will ever be accepted. Further, you run the risk that
>>> contributions with your name will never be considered by the Core
>>> Developers because they have rejected PRs you made before.
>>> Contribute in a way that enhances the Documentation, and your work will be
>>> praised.
>>> I hope whatever end of year, mid-winter or religious festival you
>>> celebrated was festive, even in our pandemic afflicted world, and I wish
>>> you a safe and productive CE 2021.
>>> Regards,
>>> Richard
>>> On 28/12/2020 11:55, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
>>>> On 12/25/20 8:10 AM, Ralph Mellor wrote:
>>>>>> On 12/23/20 4:28 PM, Ralph Mellor wrote:
>>>>>>> If a method does not explicitly specify its invocant type, it is
>>>>>> set
>>>>>>> to the type of the enclosing class.
>>>>>> But it does not specify an invocant.  It just leaves it blank
>>>>> This is how it works in Raku source code. If there's no signature at
>>>>> all,
>>>>> or if the invocant is blank, or if the invocant's type is not specified,
>>>>> its
>>>>> type is the type of the class which encloses or composes the method
>>>>> (or `Mu` for a mainline `my` method).
>>> <snip>
>>>> Hi Ralph,
>>>> What is used in the source code is written for a
>>>> purpose that is different from the documentation
>>>> in that the developers are expected to be freakin'
>>>> geniuses and know Raku like the back of the hand.
>>>> The source code is NOT meant to teach.
>>>> If you have seem some of my other letters lately, you
>>>> know I have been grubbing around in the source code.
>>>> It can be rather enlightening.
>>>> Now my technical opinion is that the documentation is
>>>> for a different purpose that the source code.  It is
>>>> to teach those who are not freakin' geniuses.  What
>>>> you seems to be telling me is that the two should
>>>> match.
>>>> So basically if I knew what I was doing, I would know
>>>> all the defaults, and I could just use the source
>>>> code and would not need the documentation.
>>>> The documentation need to show all the defaults.
>>>> The documentation's purpose should be to teach,
>>>> not to repeat the source code.
>>>> -T

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