
if you can, I'd suggest storing the pdl as a binary data into the
database, for best performance.

DBI converts everything else into perl strings, which you probably want
to avoid. How well does your approach scale?

I've been thinking about that problem - but no more - for some time, and
would have ended with something very similar to your module.
On 11/12/2014 01:43 PM, kmx wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to ask what others use when need to load data from database
> into a piddle.
> Of course I know about simple approach like this:
>   use PDL;
>   use DBI;
>   my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn);
>   my $pdl = pdl($dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql_query));
> But it does not scale well for very large data (millions of rows).
> I have turned my solution into a "maybe module" that you can find here
> https://gist.github.com/kmx/6f1234478828e7960fbd (see pod doc at the end)
> Any suggestions, improvements or alternative solutions are welcome.
> --
> kmx
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