I have tried pg_getcopydata, however I was not able to make it better than my old approach. After many tries it was still 15-20% slower.

My guess is that pg_getcopydata(..) might be significantly faster when dumping the whole table (which I was not able to test as the table in question was too big). When dumping a result of SQL query there seems to be no advantage.

I have also slightly updated my "maybe module" at https://gist.github.com/kmx/6f1234478828e7960fbd


On 12.11.2014 23:54, kmx wrote:
Thanks, pg_getcopydata sounds very promising.

I'll try to implement an alternative solution based on pg_getcopydata and compare it with my current approach.


On 12.11.2014 16:48, Vikas N Kumar wrote:
On 11/12/2014 07:43 AM, kmx wrote:
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn);
  my $pdl = pdl($dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql_query));

But it does not scale well for very large data (millions of rows).


If you're using Postgresql you should use the DBD::Pg->pg_getcopydata using the "COPY mytable to STDOUT" functionality for accessing millions of rows. You can do this in async or sync mode. This will get you there faster than using selectall_arrayref(). This allows you to get the rows without having to redesign your DB.

SQLite has a stream API but I am not familiar with it.


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