----- Original Message -----
From: Watch Indonesia! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 9:36 AM
Subject: International NGO Observers for East Timor Consultation

> International NGO Observers for East Timor Consultation
> International Federation for East Timor (IFET)
> On May 5, 1999 Indonesia and Portugal signed an agreement for the
> United Nations to conduct a "popular consultation" on "special
> autonomy" for East Timor on August 8, 1999. If the ballot is a free
> and fair reflection of the wishes of the people of East Timor, it
> will end the long-standing violation of international law resulting
> from Indonesia's 1975 invasion of East Timor and the ongoing
> military occupation.
> The accord obligates Indonesia to take the necessary steps to
> repeal its annexation of East Timor and transfer authority over the
> territory to the United Nations if the East Timorese people reject
> autonomy. If the voters approve autonomy, Portugal and the U.N.
> will legally recognize East Timor as part of Indonesia. For the
> first time, the people of East Timor will be able to decide their
> political status.
> The International Federation for East Timor (IFET)* is working to
> support United Nations efforts to ensure that the East Timorese
> people are able to make that decision in an atmosphere free of
> coercion and terror. We are sending people to East Timor to observe
> the consultation process. We will not campaign for or against
> autonomy, but will be there to support the East Timorese people's
> right to decide for themselves.
> But, as numerous first-hand and journalistic accounts have
> documented, the Indonesian military and the paramilitary "civilian
> militias" it is supporting are trying to subvert the vote. Violence
> against supporters of independence has reached horrific levels over
> the last several weeks. The paramilitaries have killed more than
> 150 people since April, and forced more than 50,000 people to flee
> their homes, often inflicting violence against random civilians to
> create a climate of universal fear.
> The people of East Timor thus find themselves at a crossroads of
> crisis and opportunity. We in the international community can help
> ensure that East Timor turns toward opportunity. For this reason,
> the International Federation for East Timor (IFET) is encouraging
> individuals and groups to join our project to send nonpartisan
> volunteer observers to East Timor to ensure a fair vote without
> prejudice to the outcome. In addition to observing and reporting on
> the campaign and voting process, IFET observers, by their visible
> presence as representatives of the world community, will help deter
> violent efforts to subvert the process.
> Section E(f) of the "Agreement Regarding the Modalities for the
> Popular Consultation of the East Timorese Through a Direct Ballot"
> states that "International observers will be able to observe the
> consultation process under terms to be developed by the United
> Nations to regulate the process." In this regard, international
> community has a role to play in reducing violence intended to
> prevent the East Timorese from participating in "a free and fair
> popular consultation process."
> IFET observers will work primarily in three areas:
> 1. We will provide organized accompaniment, when requested, for
> East Timorese human rights workers, high-profile personnel
> associated with local religious institutions, East Timorese
> people campaigning for the consultation, and others who feel
> threatened.
> 2. Our people in the field will monitor the human rights situation by
> personal observation and by interviews with religious personnel, public
> officials, local non-governmental organizations, political activists,
> and  the population in general.  These monitors will communicate their
> findings to an IFET office in Dili which will regularly report the
> information to U.N. officials, journalists, national governments and
> other appropriate authorities.
> 3. IFET personnel will observe the registration process, the campaign,
> the actual day of balloting (including polling sites, people travelling
> to and from voting, and other related matters), as well as the
> transportation of ballots and the tallying of votes. We will issue a
> report. Some of us will remain in East Timor after August 8 to observe
> that there is no retaliatory violence and that subsequent steps proceed
> smoothly.
> As an international federation, IFET takes no position for or against
> the proposed autonomy plan. We are in East Timor to ensure that the East
> Timorese people are able to make that decision themselves. Our observers
> will be non-partisan; we will work with non-aligned groups in East Timor
> as well as with various Indonesian non-governmental organizations, U.N.
> personnel, and other observer missions. IFET will also be in contact
> with both pro-independence and pro-autonomy advocates, as well as with
> Indonesian civilian and military officials, to ensure them that we are
> not taking sides.
> The International Federation for East Timor will coordinate this project
> on the international level. The project will not receive any logistical,
> security or financial support from the United Nations, but the U.N. will
> provide accreditation to IFET observers and we will follow the U.N. Code
> of Conduct for observers. There will be other observer missions in East
> Timor during the consultation process. IFET will endeavor to coordinate
> our work with theirs - we are part of a larger effort by the
> international community to ensure the legitimacy of the U.N.
> consultation process. Our unique role is to facilitate participation by
> NGO and individual activists and human rights workers from all over the
> world, but we have no intention to preclude other observer delegations.
> IFET observers will be volunteers; most observers should expect to raise
> their own costs of transportation, food, and lodging. At the same time,
> IFET will be raising substantial funds to establish an office in Dili
> and to hire staff to coordinate the project within and outside of East
> Timor. We hope that participating groups and individuals will help raise
> money for these common costs.
> IFET-associated individuals and groups in different countries will
> oversee the recruitment, screening, training and coordination of
> observers from those countries, but they will do so according to
> internationally- established procedures and in close consultation with
> the international IFET coordinating group. IFET will also have people
> based in East Timor to help with logistics (lodging, deployment, etc.)
> as individuals arrive in Dili.
> Although we will take responsibility for the people we bring to East
> Timor, our first priority is to support the East Timor consultation, and
> we will endeavor to minimize problems caused by IFET observers.
> Participants must be in good physical health (as certified by a medical
> release) and be able to work under pressure and with emotional and
> psychological stress. IFET observers will be mature, stable individuals.
> Most, therefore, will be 25 years old or older, but some will be as
> young as 18. The working language of the IFET observer project will be
> English. Facility with Indonesian, Tetum, and/or Portuguese would be of
> great benefit. For non-English-speaking IFET observers, other observers
> from their home country will provide interpretation.
> In addition to agreeing to follow the U.N.-issued Code of Conduct, all
> observers associated with the IFET project will sign a contract by which
> they agree to be nonviolent, nonpartisan, and to respect IFET decisions.
> If we find that a participant has failed to abide by the contract and
> undermined the larger project, IFET could terminate that person's
> relationship with our project and/or take additional steps to distance
> them from our mission.
> IFET will carefully screen all applicants. All IFET observers will
> receive training before going to East Timor. Once there, IFET and/or our
> East Timorese and Indonesian partners will provide further orientation.
> Our people will have a range of experience and knowledge of election
> monitoring and East Timor's situation, culture and language.
> The project will deploy observers throughout the territory. While we
> certainly want observers to have a presence in rural areas, we will make
> sure that observers are stationed in towns of relative size for safety,
> logistical support, and ease of communication. Our observers will be
> deployed in pairs or larger groups.
> The crucial time will be the weeks leading up to the vote. Some IFET
> observers will arrive by June 13, the start of voter registration. We
> hope to have at least 100 in place by early July, with more arriving as
> August 8 approaches. We encourage observers to stay for at least one
> month, but we will not dissuade qualified people from coming for shorter
> periods. Some IFET observers will stay in East Timor after the vote and
> the announcement of the results, especially if the voters reject
> autonomy. Depending on the situation and the need, this could develop
> into an ongoing project.
> * The International Federation for East Timor (IFET) was founded in
>   1991 by East Timor support organizations from four continents as a
>   clearinghouse for non-governmental initiatives on East Timor.  IFET is
>   accredited with the United Nations Department of Public Information.
>   Our secretariat is in the Philippines and we have a representative at
>   the U.N.  in New York.  IFET includes more than 30 members from 19
>   countries, including both single-issue East Timor groups and others
>   with a wider range of concerns.
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> For further information on IFET or the observers project, contact:
> IFET U.N. Representative Charles Scheiner.
> P.O. Box 1182, White Plains, NY 10602 USA
> Ph:1-914-428-7299 fax:1-914-428-7383
> IFET Secretariat:
> Asia-Pacific Coalition on East Timor
> c/o Initiatives for International Dialogue
> 27-D Rosario Townhouse, Galaxy St.
> GSIS Heights, Matina, Davao City 8000 PHILIPPINES
> Ph/fax. 63-82-299-2052  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> IFET Member Organizations as of 1 June 1999
> National Council of Timorese Resistance (CNRT, East Timor)
> East Timor International Support Center (Australia)
> East Timor Relief Association (Australia)
> Australia-East Timor Association
> Australians for a Free East Timor
> Friends of East Timor, Western Australia
> Hobart East Timor Committee (Australia)
> East Timor Alert Network (Canada)
> Canadian Action for Indonesia and East Timor
> Pacific Concerns Resource Centre (Fiji)
> Agir Pour Timor (France)
> Association Solidarité Timor-Oriental (France)
> Watch Indonesia! (Germany)
> Gesellschaft fur Bedrohte Volker (Germany)
> East Timor Roundtable (Hong Kong)
> East Timor Ireland Solidarity Campaign
> Indian Society for Human Rights
> Free East Timor - Japan Coalition
> East Timor Information Network (Malaysia)
> International Platform of Jurists for East Timor (Netherlands)
> Norwegian Cooperation Council for East Timor and Indonesia
> Asia-Pacific Coalition on East Timor (Philippines)
> Com. para os Direitos do Povo Maubere (Portugal)
> Paz é Justica para Timor Leste (Portugal)
> A Paz é Possivel em Timor Leste (Portugal)
> Movimento Christão para a Paz (Portugal)
> Instituto de Estudios Políticos para América Latina y Africa (Spain)
> Östtimor Kommitten (Sweden)
> TAPOL (U.K.)
> British Coalition for East Timor
> East Timor Action Network (USA)
> International Secretariat, Parliamentarians for East Timor
> (list in formation)
> ***********************************************************
> --
> **********************************************************************
> Watch Indonesia!                      Tel./Fax +49-30-204 44 09
> Haus der Demokratie                  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Friedrichstr. 165                     http://www.snafu.de/~watchin
> 10117 Berlin
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