Adakah rekan2 disini yg punya cukup informasi
sebenarnya sampai seberapa besarkah bahaya dari Y2K?
Sudah sampai sejauh manakah upaya pencegahannya?
Pertanyaan ini untuk lingkup Indonesia dan juga AS.

Kira2, untuk amannya, bagusan kita ngelakuin persiapan
apa saja?

Saya tertarik ingin tahu setelah beberapa waktu yg lalu
ngobrol2 santai dengan salah seorang hacker.
Dia bilang titik rawannya itu adalah interval waktu
yg terjadi saat pergantian millenium walau hanya
sekitar beberapa menit saja. Kekosongan inilah
yg katanya akan diincar oleh para hacker untuk
masuk ke bank2 atau jaringan2 penting lainnya
yg bisa membuat kekacauan.

Denger2 info lagi dari salah seorang yg akan ikut
latihan militer di AS untuk menghadapi bahaya Y2K.

Gue kutipin aja deh omongan dia:

The National Guards of all 50 states are prepping for Y2K
contingency which includes backup communications between
governors and State Police, armed riot control
squads, and emergency water and ration distribution.

There's even talk that if martial law is imposed, the National
Guard will have authority to shoot resisters.

We have told all of the troops not to make plans for Christmas
or New Years because we may be activated from Dec 22 to Jan 15.

But there is not yet a budget for this and it looks like there will be
none unless something happens. Then it falls under Federal disaster relief.

Civil Disorder? We are using a hurricane model - Just before a hurricane,
in Florida, there are some parts of the state where you will be hard
pressed to find even a can of tuna on the store shelves. People will hoard
and not share with friendly neighbors. Some will take it with a gun.

My brother is a cop. When we had a storm on Labor day 98 that blew out
power in one town for a whole week, the poor people were rioting in front of
welfare offices. Apparently the storm came the week that welfare checks had
already been issued.  Families had spent the month's check on bulk groceries
last them the month.

When power went out and all their food spoiled, they asked Welfare to
reissue a check. The welfare department said no. The people were pissed
and threw rocks through the Welfare office window. How were they to feed
their families. That rage had to go somewhere.

Another case, Power blackout in NYC 1977 "Summer of Sam" (the movie
documents this). People just took it as an opportunity to break windows
and loot stores and homes that no longer had alarms or telephones to
call for help. The police were powerless and stood idely by until the
national guard was called and posted armed troops on every corner.

Imagine a nationwide power and communications outtage. You may be
far removed from the city ruffians, but there are many densley populated
areas where a lack of services could trigger these tensions. And with no
telephone, you can't call for help.

Then there are the hate groups, just waiting for a sign where the "guvvament"
is weak so they can cause the Great Race War that God is demanding to
cleanse mankind.


------------akhir kutipan------

Tuh khan, apa ngga ngeri tuh. Lha negara super maju seperti
AS aja udah pada ngadain persiapan jauh2 hari. Koq gue
belum denger ya persiapan pemerintah dan masyarakat
Indonesia di tanah air? Apa masih bekutet aja ngitungin hasil
pemilu yg lama amat kelarnya itu? Atau masih pusing2
nyari presiden yg dimauin rakyat?
Sementara bahaya besar depan mata kelihatannya
kurang dipeduliin.
Moga2 cepet pada sadar bahwa bahaya Y2K itu
ternyata bukan bahaya yg kecil yg bisa diabaikan
begitu saja.

Mohon yg tahu lebih banyak tentang Y2K bisa tolong
disharingkan di sini biar kita2 bisa lebih ngerti
lagi seberapa besar sih bahaya yg mengancam dari
peristiwa Y2K ini.

Y2K = year 2000.

jabat erat,
Irwan Ariston Napitupulu

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