"The officials who have responsibility for implementing the program
are themselves robbing the bank. It's a white-collar robbery by all
the president's men."

September 29, 1999

Indonesia's Recovery, and Democracy, Tested by Baligate Scandal


jAKARTA, Indonesia -- In the streets of Jakarta, students lob firebombs
at police. In the ruins of East Timor, Indonesian soldiers seethe as
foreign troops take over. In the desolate scrub of Ambon, Christians
and Muslims kill each other with home-made guns.

There is no shortage of issues to anger today's Indonesia -- a country
suspended uneasily between dictatorship and democracy, economic
ruin and recovery. Yet of all the outrages in Indonesia these days, the
one that rankles people here most is a financial scandal known
throughout the country as Baligate.

The facts of the case are simple: Bank Bali, one of Indonesia's largest
banks, paid nearly $70 million to the ruling Golkar Party to help recover
loans it was owed by other banks. The money was to be funneled into
the reelection campaign of President B.J. Habibie.

Since the scandal came to light in July, the money has been returned
and a raft of investigations begun. Yet the public outrage has become
more thunderous by the day.

With evidence emerging that other banks may have been asked to
participate in similar schemes, the Parliament on Friday demanded
that Habibie suspend seven top officials, including the finance minister
and the governor of the central bank, who it says were involved.

"This scandal is the straw that broke the camel's back," said Mark Baird,
 the World Bank's country director in Indonesia. "It's indicative of the
much bigger political and economic stakes in Indonesia."

Nobody has yet accused Habibie himself. But after three scandal-scarred
decades under his predecessor, Suharto, people here are in no mood to let
an unpopular president off the hook. The scandal -- and the government's
obdurate response to it -- has become a touchstone for those who say
Indonesia must shed its culture of corruption.

"People are really fed up," said Rizal Ramli, an economist here.
"After watching Habibie make so many speeches about the rule of law,
they realize the laws are not being upheld. Despite his claims of being
different, this government is merely an extension of the Suharto

Political analysts here said that the scandal had grievously wounded
Habibie, who faces a tough election in November. But the stakes are
even greater: Some worry that Baligate could jeopardize Indonesia's
recovery and transition to democracy.

"If you were to elect a new president and not resolve Bank Bali, I think
all of these political changes would be at risk because you
fundamentally haven't changed the culture," Baird said.

Anoop Singh, deputy director of the International Monetary Fund's
Asia-Pacific operations, said the IMF could not "just put this aside
and move on with the program without fully resolving the issue."

The IMF, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank have
backed up their words by withholding almost $1.4 billion in loans
to Indonesia until the country releases results of an outside

The longer Jakarta refuses, the higher the cost: by the end of next
March, these agencies are scheduled to lend $4.7 billion to Indonesia --
more than 10 percent of their total $43 billion rescue package.

Indonesian officials say they can make do for a while. But they agree
that the country cannot fully recover from its economic trauma without
a resumption of foreign aid. "In this budget year, we need $10 billion in
external aid," said Umar Juoro, an adviser to Habibie. "If they stop the
support permanently, it would be a disaster for the economy."

That Indonesia would risk such a disaster shows how difficult it is for
the country to change. Despite demands that the government get to the
bottom of things, it has refused to release a lengthy report on the scandal

assembled by the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.

People who have seen the report said that it named at least seven senior
officials as being directly involved in a scheme to divert nearly $70 million

from Bank Bali to the Golkar Party. They also said that the report tracked
the flow of money from Indonesia's Bank Restructuring Agency, which had
nationalized Bank Bali, into a web of accounts held by people with ties to

The State Audit Board, which received the PricewaterhouseCoopers report,
first urged the firm to release it. But threatened with lawsuits by the people

named in the report, the board backed off. Now, it says, bank secrecy laws

prevent disclosure.

"In protecting all these people, it is true that I might be protecting guilty
Satrio Budihardjo Joedono, the Audit Board chairman, said. "But let the police

decide, let the lawyers decide. This is a question of law."

Joedono said he had given the report to the police, and hoped that the right

people would be prosecuted. He shook his head, exasperated.

Fighting corruption in Indonesia is not easy, he said, especially when the

culprits are well financed. He hinted that it could also be dangerous: "There

are people walking around with millions. That can buy a lot of lawyers and

a lot of guns."

Among the people worried by the scandal is the man who started it:
the former president of Bank Bali, Rudy Ramli.

Ramli, who is 41 and no relation to the economist, moved his family to
Singapore and ducked out of sight after the scandal broke. He emerged
two weeks ago to testify at a hearing in Parliament -- a pale shadow of
his once-ebullient self.

The scandal is the sad denouement of Ramli's desperate struggle to
hold onto a bank he inherited from his father. The elder Ramli, an ethnic
Chinese businessman, bought the company in 1967; its name derives
from its roots on the resort island of Bali.

Under Rudy Ramli, Bank Bali grew into Indonesia's fourth-largest private
bank. It specialized in consumer banking and won the respect of securities

analysts with its relatively conservative loan portfolio.

"Bank Bali was thought of as a good bank, and Rudy Ramli was viewed
as an honest banker," said Mark Hansen, a consultant who specializes
in banking at Booz Allen & Hamilton in Jakarta.

But like all Indonesian banks, Bank Bali was devastated by the Asian
financial crisis. The devaluation of the Indonesian rupiah left most of its

corporate clients insolvent, which meant they could not repay loans.
And an outbreak of violent unrest in Jakarta and other cities caused
panicky bank runs.

Ramli found himself in a race against time. Unless he could quickly
raise millions of dollars, Bank Bali would fail to meet the government's
capital-adequacy standards. Under Indonesia's agreement with the
IMF, the state would either take over the bank or shut it down.

At a companywide meeting, Ramli vowed to do whatever it took to keep
the bank afloat. "If everybody is going to die," Ramli said in an interview

here last year, "we want to be the last ones to die."

He focused on more than $100 million that Bank Bali was owed by three
banks that had been closed. Under Indonesia's bank restructuring laws,
the government guaranteed the debts of all banks, which meant Bank
Bali should have been able to recoup the money.

But Ramli kept running into walls when he pleaded his case at Indonesia's
Central Bank and the Bank Restructuring Agency. In desperation, he turned
to a finance company, PT Era Giat Prima, headed by the deputy treasurer
of Habibie's Golkar Party, Setya Novanto.

The finance company helped Bank Bali recover the loans -- but extracted
a 60 percent commission, roughly $70 million. Novanto described it as
a debt-collection fee. Habibie's rivals in Golkar said that the money was
earmarked to buy votes in November's presidential election, a charge that
Novanto denies.

The scandal was blown open in July by a consultant and gadfly, who had
obtained documents about the arrangement. Overnight, Ramli's Faustian
bargain threatened virtually every senior finance official in Indonesia.
Among those who have been accused of knowing about the deal were
Finance Minister Bambang Subianto; the governor of the central bank,
Syharil Sabirin; State Enterprises Minister Tanri Abeng, and one of
Habibie's closest advisers, Arnold Baramuli.

Under pressure, the government hired PricewaterhouseCoopers in
August to investigate. Despite having only two weeks and poor access
 to information, the firm said it uncovered "numerous indicators of fraud,

noncompliance, irregularity, misappropriation, undue preferential
treatment, concealment, bribery and corruption."

At Joedono's request, PricewaterhouseCoopers issued an abridged
version that omitted more specific allegations about involvement by
senior officials. That report was circulated to members of Parliament;
a copy was obtained by The New York Times.

Even without naming names, the abridged report paints a vivid picture
of how officials used Indonesia's bank restructuring program as a lever
to extract payments from Bank Bali. It describes how Ramli's requests
for help were rejected by regulators, and then suddenly granted after
meetings between Bank Bali officials, regulators, and Habibie's advisers.

Testifying before Parliament, John Campbell, the PricewaterhouseCoopers
partner who wrote the report, said regulators had approached 12 other
banks about cutting similar deals.

He noted that the way the bank restructuring was organized, regulators
had access to vast pools of money to rescue some banks and not others.
Such a setup, Campbell said, had created a "high internal and external
vulnerability to fraud and misconduct."

After hearing Campbell, Indonesia's Parliament demanded that Habibie
suspend the finance minister, central bank governor, state enterprise
minister and his adviser, Baramuli, as well as four other officials. But
Habibie said he would wait for a legal verdict before dismissing anyone.

Such statements give little comfort to the IMF and other agencies.
Indonesia's legal system is notoriously ineffectual. Critics say that
a prosecution of the Bank Bali case would founder as surely as
an investigation of former Suharto's ill-gotten wealth has.

Most officials have maintained silence, refusing to cooperate with
investigators or give interviews. Some have gone on the offensive.
Sabirin, the central bank governor, called the report "absolutely
wrong and unfounded" in suggesting it gave preferential treatment
to Bank Bali. He has threatened legal action against the firm.

People here acknowledge that by the extravagant standards of
indonesian corruption, a diversion of $70 million is peanuts. After
all, Suharto and his family are accused of siphoning billions.

But the Bank Bali affair could have huge collateral damage because
it undermines Indonesia's efforts to rebuild its banking system. With
costs estimated at $40 billion to $60 billion, the bailout is already
one of the most expensive in history. Suspicions that the process is
corrupt could make it worse by scaring away foreign banks that might
have invested in banks here.

After watching their country become a synonym for corruption,
 taxpayers here are no longer willing to look the other way. That
may be why Bank Bali has aroused so much ire.

"The officials who have responsibility for implementing the program
are themselves robbing the bank," Ramli, the economist, said.
"It's a white-collar robbery by all the president's men."

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