     By : Nasrullah Idris (Bandung-Indonesia)
     Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     At the same time functioning strarting eye a baby normally, at the same
time see vinicity physical, process instruction of real mathematics
underway. Because everything which is seen interconnected clear "object
boundaries", which its innings at "size measure" and "set of".
     Then strenghtened spoiled attitude the mother by showing objects to its
fore part, as in effort make the baby show off.
     But remember mathematics pamour tend to school age consumption, so that
what done by them that seems like not relate to mathematics
     As a result they is not serious, in meaning, if there are any just
opportunity. More than anything else the existence of predikat
"complicated", "komplek", and is "hard" which attached at mathematics face,
of course progressively make mother do not it in mothering schedule.
     If a mother have accepted its behavior like that as process instruction
of mathematics also, of course will enthusiastic progressively give input to
its baby.
     Now remain at method, how its priority sequence ? Don'T which is tardy
to be digested first compared to which quickly arrested, in consequence its
name hop.
     So. Following will be submitted some its way (we limit at aritmatika :
one of the branch of Mathematics):
     Show a number of ball with a few multiply to move position, which dark
chromatic and same material.
     Its diameter five just size measure first, 1 cm to 5 cm, what likely
standard with its eyesight energy. Isn'T it true that milk nipple and black
area bosom, what generally often seen baby when strarting milk, around that
also ?
     Appearance initially shall be successive with time difference which
enough. Random appearance done if baby have is chummy.
     In time arise impression of existence of equation and difference,
namely when altogether showed, and also compare big the so small.
     Selected circle remember perfection, moderation, and its regularity,
though projected to area, nature of which do not have to wake up otherly.
     One size measure which its different colour even also may, come sharply
and also have popular at human being x'self as long as its life. Black,
green, red, blue, and turn yellow, taking example.
     Which just first weared. Its much the same to also, only its other
     When phase at the same time, other congeniality emerge at baby,
precisely colour bearing, size measure, and set of through merger two kinds
of input of monumental which have mastered of.
     Wear five ball have same diameter and also can be grasped. Five of
times showed, what is each taken one ..., and five. This for reduction. On
the contrary quantifying by enhancing one ..., until four at grasped ball.
     Considering individuality in each amount of ball which often seeing of,
baby even also will see its awkwardness when lessened or added. Similar
Intersan emerging off and on making him progressively comprehend reality
"increasing" and "decreasing", marked by wide of change of group.
     More than anything else at demonstration of ball which diameter and its
immeasurable colour. Its understanding shall no longger tied of the size,
but amount of visible ball.
     Existence of feeling "separate if xself" and "with moment swung", which
have emerged previously, a little or many follow to quicken the
     If have maximal then wake up other entangled which its complication of
level above ball, that is cube, considering third the nature of the ball
still consist in also in it.
     its same Instruction process. Only its short time progressively because
its it have been netted at baby brain in instruction of ball. Remain
applying it at cube. This like Elementary schoolboy of irst class which can
answer " 2 mango + 3 mango" at home just because have comprehended reality "
4 peppermint + 1 peppermint" in school.
     Can be continued by presenting both, ball and box, in every
demonstration. Size measure and colour needn't be questioned again, because
which studied limited to Aritmatika. Problem of amount shall not bolt from
five, so that progressively strengthen intellectual bases of him. Anyway
later will motivating to question object with next amount.
     Finally baby will really is assuming "aliance" and "separated" can be
conducted with object any kind of. Especially after awaking up modelled
other. Its congeniality will not fetch up all standing at uniform or is
immeasurable. Important see directly. Taking example, after seeing two ball
and three box in desk, which its depository time with time difference some
second, he even also understand the existence of five object.
     Of course in every instruction interspersed with to inviting baby see
objects which is easy to be understood in various room within doors. Have
modelled "two ball", for example, can be continued by showing both our eye.
Commensurable in essence and also often see.
     No other to form character "association", so that felt, what taught the
is true attributed to what he saw.
     Of course if two showed locker will be hard, because its eye not yet
ready to wear to see at the same time. Possible he will look into him as one
just object
Two is same foot/feet even also, considering seldom see, so that Less have
good effect to tighten congeniality. Moreover parent seldom show its feet.
Seen by baby even also might not.
This instruction is meant to accompany life of everyday baby, specially in
looking at objects, and also stimulate it connect one another. Baby which
have often see its mother bosom, hence with demonstration "two ball" and
"three box", each immediately always remember by him of "equation" or
"difference" its intuition.
     On the contrary, that shadow is true will emerge also. But will not as
soon as that.
     Precisely with two WNI which ordered is having same intellegence storey
to collect a number of word with certain letter prefix. Do same quickly if
one of them use dictionary ? Do not anyway !
     Remember ! Absorbent Ability of instruction of mathematics at
Elementary School first class student do not only depended intellegence
storey, also experience of pre era go to school in the form of frequency
perception of objects demonstration like example of above direct beside to
vinicity objects.
     Do not surprise if many man of science say that to the number of such
memory soldered at baby will influence energy : creative, critical, or
active later. Particularly that is moment brain very effect to record.
     Real "still baby" made imprecise of reason to delaying it. Still more
if its reason " fear wrongly". But this last require to look for its way out
with searching its method. Just to When kept quiet it that its name of
surrenderness !
Only consequently physical /mental baby gristle still baby, its way have to
completely careful. Equally, as according to typical characteristic of him.
How to pamper and careful in bathing, lulling, and suckle, and so do shall
with instruction of mathematics.
     Don'T dabbl to relate at systems for school age child. Method of
Kindergarten even also its moment not yet is weared. Just in essence
accomodate with its world at age.
     Its time have to precisely, when its body is hale and its face is
happy. Room thankss even also calm and cold.
     Its Demonstration appliance don't befall body, more than anything else
its face, because felt concerned about to generate trauma, which its innings
behaving to fear. Taking example happened also. Consider to look for
commensurable alternative. Taking example its colour is changed.
     If baby sudden rewel immediately discontinue. Follow first its
willingness. Do will be carried on the back, sleep, or milk ? Can also
because his clothes.
In essence we have to have about, when the prima baby in a condition happy.
For that typical person of him have to comprehend at various atmosphere.
     Mentioning number, one, two, and so on, is enough sounded off
alternately, slow, and impressing. Without that will make an impression on
splashyly is, stiff, and fulminate, what can make him surprised and weep, so
that do not provocated a little even also
Considering hearing of baby have functioned when still in womb, meaning that
can be done from the day borned.
     It is true its beginning will not understand also. But because is often
heard, rhythm of verbal of the recording of also. Mean later progressively
easy to baby say it when have conversed. Remain to wait him application to a
number of related object, so that he even also will understand, what such
with masing- masing. Process this instruction can be done after its age one
     All that will give credit of point to intellectual knowledge. Its him
cannot be assumed is small. And so do to its ability grapple together in
around mathematics in school bench.
     Often we see some toy/food hobby of baby have age two year taken by its
you on the quiet. Its immeasurable reaction, "at the time", "some second
later", or "not at all". This energy indication calculate different him.
     Fatal of him if done by outsider, whereas its costly price and its high
     In fact with education from the day borned that will enlarge " critical
energy" later on day, specially attitude listen carefully to change of his
     From the day borned human being brain which consist of billion that
neuron have ready to weaved to become mind braid pass input various incoming
phenomenon of its everyday life. In consequence the no reason to dissociate
baby with school age mathematics until, considering both have automatically
early on.
     Although in character "autodidak", pursuant to perception in everyday
life, but bases instruction of mathematics have obtained of, namely that
goes on naturally.
     Its Rhythm colour require to recognize as reference. Then developed by
introducing instruction items which predict- predict will make the baby feel
the existence of memory extension.
     Taking example, baby have often see object amount to "one", "two", and
"three". Non meaning items hereinafter with number device "four", because
will confuse, but by showing object which its amount "four", so that
exchequer memori him more and more.
     Without reckoning rhythm, that of supposing a teacher of Kindergarten
which singing happily a number of song, but each only at first couplet, with
reason, can be continued at home.
     So. However each its pupil will feel less sreg or not yet is complete.
Disappointed feeling like this is bringing lazy them listen, more than
anything else following him.
     Finally return at enthusiastic of them which have competence to blaze
the way realizing him as culture education of mathematics segment among
newborn baby. Hence is properly thought of early on. (Nasrullah Idris, Studi
Area : Reform "Technological Science Mathematics")

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