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From: "Marvin Wingfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Marvin Wingfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Department of Justice Addresses Anti-Arab/Muslim Discrimination in
the Schools

Dear Friends:

Harassment and bullying of Arab-American, Muslim, and South Asian students
become more of a problem since September 11.
The good news today is that the Department of Justice Civil Rights
is using its influence to raise this issue with the 50 states' departments

After 9/11, ADC expanded its program of "Reaching the Teachers" which
educational resources and "how to" materials to teachers, parents, and
activists.  Materials include information on how to prevent or respond to
discrimination, as well as lesson plans, classroom activities, fact sheets,
bibliographies, and other resources for educators who would like to promote
better understanding of Arab Americans and Arab culture in k-12 schools.

For more information, please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call me at
202-244-2990.  I will be happy to share resources or advise and assist in
work.  Some of our materials on our website at www.adc.org  Just check the
items at the bottom of the home page and click on the Education icon.

Marvin Wingfield
Director of Education and Outreach
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)

ADC Update:
Department of Justice Addresses Anti-Arab/Muslim Discrimination in the

Washington, DC, Aug. 26--At the recommendation of ADC President Mary Rose
Oakar, the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division sent a
letter addressing the issue of discrimination against Arab, Muslim, Sikh,
South Asian students to all of the 50 states' departments of education.

During a meeting hosted by Assistant Attorney General R. Alexander Acosta
Aug. 17, Oakar requested that Acosta widely distribute such a letter in
to raise the issue of hate-motivated incidents in schools.  She also
recommended that such a letter address the school systems' obligations to
uphold federal and state laws protecting minority students, and
students from theses communities.

Assistant Attorney General Acosta's letter stated, "Since September 11,
the Civil Rights Division has investigated nearly 600 incidents of violence
directed against Arab, Muslim, South-Asian, or Sikh-Americans.  Over 140 of
these incidents have resulted in local or state criminal prosecutions;
20 have resulted in federal criminal prosecutions as well.  We have, in
addition, brought suit against a school district for prohibiting a student
from wearing her hijab."  The letter emphasized that, "such practices are
inconsistent with federal law and should not be tolerated."  Acosta
by stating, "As we approach the third anniversary of September 11, 2001, we
must all recognize that our differences provide an invaluable opportunity
further education, and must not lead, rather, to greater separation."

Additionally, the Arab, Muslim, and Sikh American organizations present at
federal interagency meeting, are preparing a follow-up letter addressing
issue of discrimination at schools.  The organizations include the Arab
American Institute, Islamic Free Market Institute, Muslim Public Affairs
Council, National South Asian Bar Association, Sikh Coalition, and Sikh
Mediawatch Resource Task Force. This joint letter will also be sent to the
heads of the 50 states' departments of education in support of Assistant
Attorney General Acosta's efforts in addressing this troubling issue.

Read Assistant Attorney General Acosta's letter below or to view the original letter, see: http://www.adc.org/index.php?id=2322


DOJ letter to state Departments of Education:

U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Office of the Assistant Attorney General August 20, 2004

As a new school year begins, I write to raise an issue with you that the
Rights Division has taken steps to address.  Specifically, we have seen
and hateful incidents of violence and discrimination directed against
Arab, Sikh, and South-Asian students, motivated by religious or national
origin intolerance.

Last year, for example, in Louisiana a high school world history teacher
allegedly stripped a Muslim student's head scarf, or hijab, off her head,
reportedly remarking: "I didn't know you had hair under there..I hope God
punishes you. No, I'm sorry, I hope Allah punishes you."  In California, a
high-school teacher allegedly grabbed a Sikh student's beard, pulled it,
accused him of being a member of the Taliban. And, in Oklahoma, the local
public school district twice suspended a sixth-grade Muslim student for
wearing a hijab.  Teacher there apparently expressed concern that the hijab
would somehow "frighten" other children.

Following the tragic events of September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush
visited the Islamic Center of Washington, D.C., to underscore a simple yet
fundamental point: "America counts millions of Muslims amongst our
and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country.
are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military,
shopkeepers, moms, and dads.  And they need to be treated with respect.  In
our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with

No less is true for members of the Arab, South Asian, and Sikh-American
communities.  Again, in the President' words: "those who feel like they can
intimidate our fellow citizens to take out their anger don't represent the
best of America, they represent the worst of humankind, and they should be
ashamed of that kind of behavior."

Since September 11, 2001, the Civil Rights Division has investigated nearly
600 incidents of violence directed against Arab, Muslim, South Asian or
Sikh-Americans.  Over 140 of these incidents have resulted in local or
criminal prosecutions; nearly 20 have resulted in federal criminal
prosecutions as well.  We have, in addition, brought suit against a school
district for prohibiting a student from wearing her hijab.

As we approach the third anniversary of September 11, 2001, we must all
recognize that our differences provide an invaluable opportunity further
education, and must not lead, rather, to greater separation.  I thank you
your leadership and assistance in addressing this issue.


R. Alexander Acosta
Assistant Attorney General

ADC: 25 Years of Dedicated Service to Civil and Human Rights
1980 - 2005
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
4201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20008
tel: (202) 244-2990, fax: (202) 244-3196

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