* Stephen Kent wrote:
>I understand the goal of making life harder for state surveillance.
>However, I am not willing (personally) to incur any degraded user 
>premature cell phone battery depletion, etc in order to support this goal.
>I suspect, but cannot prove, that most users would express similar feelings.

We generally regard representative opinion polls conducted by reputable
polling organisations as adequate proof for statements like that and it
is reasonably inexpensive to commission them, so I think you can. The
problem is of course how to structure the interview, how to phrase the
questions, what kind of answers to offer, what information to provide
upfront, and so on.

I imagine, for instance, many people also do not want to incur degraded
user experience due to state surveillance, like being unable to work
jobs that require a security clearance or being put on a "no fly list"
because some automated system detected too many ungood words in messages
they sent or received; or losing their job because their employer went
out of business after losing the corporate espionage game with a foreign

I suspect, if you asked people whether they are willing to give up, say,
10% battery life, or pay 10% more for their batteries, and be protected
against such threats, most would take the deal. In contrast, if you tell
the story from the other side, get 10% more battery and better chances
to stay in business because some NSA guys owe the CEO a favour, well, I
suspect that also sounds appealing to many.
Björn Höhrmann · mailto:bjo...@hoehrmann.de · http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de
Am Badedeich 7 · Telefon: +49(0)160/4415681 · http://www.bjoernsworld.de
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