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Sounds extremely promising.


On 18/11/14 17:50, Joseph Lorenzo Hall wrote:
> So cool I'll just shut my mouth and let the launch text speak for 
> itself... (links in the original)
> ----
> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/11/certificate-authority-encrypt-entire-web
>  # Launching in 2015: A Certificate Authority to Encrypt the Entire
> Web
> Today EFF is pleased to announce Let?s Encrypt, a new certificate 
> authority (CA) initiative that we have put together with Mozilla, 
> Cisco, Akamai, Identrust, and researchers at the University of 
> Michigan that aims to clear the remaining roadblocks to transition
> the Web from HTTP to HTTPS.
> Although the HTTP protocol has been hugely successful, it is 
> inherently insecure. Whenever you use an HTTP website, you are
> always vulnerable to problems, including account hijacking and
> identity theft; surveillance and tracking by governments,
> companies, and both in concert; injection of malicious scripts into
> pages; and censorship that targets specific keywords or specific
> pages on sites. The HTTPS protocol, though it is not yet flawless,
> is a vast improvement on all of these fronts, and we need to move
> to a future where every website is HTTPS by default.With a launch
> scheduled for summer 2015, the Let?s Encrypt CA will automatically
> issue and manage free certificates for any website that needs them.
> Switching a webserver from HTTP to HTTPS with this CA will be as
> easy as issuing one command, or clicking one button.
> The biggest obstacle to HTTPS deployment has been the complexity, 
> bureaucracy, and cost of the certificates that HTTPS requires.
> We?re all familiar with the warnings and error messages produced
> by misconfigured certificates. These warnings are a hint that HTTPS
> (and other uses of TLS/SSL) is dependent on a horrifyingly complex
> and often structurally dysfunctional bureaucracy for
> authentication.
> The need to obtain, install, and manage certificates from that 
> bureaucracy is the largest reason that sites keep using HTTP
> instead of HTTPS. In our tests, it typically takes a web developer
> 1-3 hours to enable encryption for the first time. The Let?s
> Encrypt project is aiming to fix that by reducing setup time to
> 20-30 seconds. You can help test and hack on the developer preview
> of our Let's Encrypt agent software or watch a video of it in
> action here:
> Let?s Encrypt will employ a number of new technologies to manage 
> secure automated verification of domains and issuance of
> certificates. We will use a protocol we?re developing called ACME
> between web servers and the CA, which includes support for new and
> stronger forms of domain validation. We will also employ
> Internet-wide datasets of certificates, such as EFF?s own
> Decentralized SSL Observatory, the University of Michigan?s
> scans.io, and Google's Certificate Transparency logs, to make
> higher-security decisions about when a certificate is safe to
> issue.
> The Let?s Encrypt CA will be operated by a new non-profit
> organization called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).
> EFF helped to put together this initiative with Mozilla and the
> University of Michigan, and it has been joined for launch by
> partners including Cisco, Akamai, and Identrust.
> The core team working on the Let's Encrypt CA and agent software 
> includes James Kasten, Seth Schoen, and Peter Eckersley at EFF;
> Josh Aas, Richard Barnes, Kevin Dick and Eric Rescorla at Mozilla;
> Alex Halderman and James Kasten and the University of Michigan.
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