Ebadat A.R. wrote:
I think putting Dictionaries on the web needs a special license . Buying a
software means you are getting license to use this software as it is. There
is no license for presenting this software on the web. If you want to use
software in another program or another location you have to get special
license for new location.

We are working on Machine Translation system (Pars Translator
http://www.ParsTranslator.Net ) and our customers have no license to put
this software on the web as we mentioned in License Agreement before. As I
saw in many software (specially dictionaries) , there is no license to put
the dictionary on the web. Let me know if you have any Dictionary software
with license for putting data on the web.

Pars Translator Group,
Ebadat A.R.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Behdad Esfahbod" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Persian Computing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 2004/03/03 09:53 AM
Subject: Dictionaries on the web

Long boring thread again.

I just want to note that simply putting an online dictionary
service on the web does not need any permission from the
copyright holder of the dictionary data.  So for example I can
buy an Aryanpour dictionary, extract the data, and write a web
program that you can query the meaning of a particular word, and
it would return to you the meaning.

The important point here is that, for this to be legal:

  * You should have obtained your copy of the information
legally, eg. bought the CD.

  * You should not redistribute the data, eg. no "download
dictionary here".

Last but not least, IANAL (I Am Not A Lawyer).


PS.  I know at least one online dictionary service that is
claiming to be legal in this way.  They do not service to the
public still because they are not sure about the validity of the
above argument.

PersianComputing mailing list

PersianComputing mailing list

Good day,

Well, I don't see any difference between putting the contents of a dictionary on the net than putting the works of Ahmad Shamlou or John Grisham on the net ;-)

They need a license from the copyright holder. Now, you all know that there are many free (with some sort of GNU licesning) word lissts out there for many languages, that is another story but if someone scans or reproduce the pages of Aryanpour and exhibits them on the web, no matter how (even if there is no download it here link)it would be violation of coyright, simply because the poor guy is supposed to earn something for his efforts if not his life in this way :-)

However, IMHO, I would like to see more reference materials from iranian treasures out on the web and hope the original copy right holders agree with some less restrictive form of licensing so more people benefit from it. On the other hand if a small company puts time and resources to produce something valuable, they need to be consulted and paid to if their works is going to surface on the net.

and no, I am not a lawyer either O:-)

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