We should find a lawyer and ask these questions about Copyright in Iran .
I will try to find someone . If you know someone please invite him to join
this group.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roozbeh Pournader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ebadat A.R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Behdad Esfahbod" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Persian Computing List"
Sent: 2004/03/05 07:15 PM
Subject: Re: Dictionaries on the web

> On Thu, 2004-03-04 at 09:53, Ebadat A.R. wrote:
> > > >  Buying a
> > > > software means you are getting license to use this software as it
> > There
> > > > is no license for presenting this software on the web.
> > >
> > > But we are not talking about software here. Information is different
> > > from software. It really depends on how you define software. Is an MS
> > > Word document software?
> >
> > When you are talking about MS Word document, you mean a document that
> > wrote before. Is it possible to use MS Word Spell Checker in your
> > If you check the license agreement of MS word, you can see that you have
> > permission to use this part of MS Word except in this software.
> We were not talking about software or software features here. Let's say
> you buy a CD that contains some poems from Khayyam. Are you not allowed
> to provide that *information* (poems from Khayyam) on your website?
> > when you buy a software you should check the License
> > Agreement .
> That is right. If it has a license agreement of course.
> > You have permission based  on License Agreement and if you don't
> > accept this agreement , you are not allowed to install and use this
> > software. When you install this software , it means you agree with
> > Agreement .
> That is not true. Who says that? Is there a law in Iran saying that? No,
> there is not. If you want to prove that someone has agreed to something
> without anyone being present there, you should show her/his signature.
> Lemme make an example: I go buy a software from a shop. I want to
> install and use the software. In the license, it says that "You may not
> use or install this software if your father is a Muslim, even if you
> have paid for it". My father is a muslim, but I see that I really need
> to run the software. So I click "I agree", and continue. The software
> gets installed, I use it, no one gets harmed, end of story.
> Have I agreed/confirmed that my father is not a muslim? No! I did
> something with my computer at my home. I did not break any laws (there
> is no law about clicking). I did not break any contracts (a contract
> without a signature is not valid), I did not ...
> If I buy a chair and there is a big nail on the seat with a note that
> "you may not sit on this chair if you are born in Tehran, and by
> removing this nail you agree that your are not born there", may I sit on
> the chair, or should I return it to the vendor instead, saying "Oh,
> you've given me the shahrestani-only chair. Would you please change it
> for me, or return me the money?"
> License Agreement does not have any legal backing in Iran (there are
> claims that it doesn't have the backing in US or other countries
> either). But copyright does.
> > Anyway, I think , License Agreement is the most important piece of a
> > or software.
> Honestly, license agreements are not applicable in Iran (and many other
> countries). License Agreements may be important if you live in US and
> some other countries, but don't have a case in Iran. In Iran, you only
> have the copyright law.
> roozbeh

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