On Thu, 20 May 2004, Ordak D. Coward wrote:

> Ordak's 2820 year method:
> bool isLeap2820ODC = ((683*year+542) % 2820) < 683;
> in comparison to:
> Birashk's 2820 year method:
> bool isLeap2820Birashk = ((year % 2820) == 474) ||
>                                      (((31 * ((year+2345) % 2820)) % 128) > 96);

I second that.  Here is my version, in a desktop calculator
friendly (and macrowize side-effect-less) way:

#define is_persian_leap(y) ((((y)-474)%2820+2820)%2820*31%128<31)

> The discrepancies will be in:
> years that Ordak considers leap but not Birashk
> 603, 731, 859, 1787, 1915, 2043, 2171, 2299, 2427, 2460, 2555, 2588,
> 2683, 2716, 2811, 2844, 2939, 2972, 3067, 3100, 3133, 3195, 3228,
> 3261, 3295
> and
> years that Birashk considers leap but not Ordak
> 602, 730, 858, 1788, 1916, 2044, 2172, 2300, 2428, 2461, 2556, 2589,
> 2684, 2717, 2812, 2845, 2940, 2973, 3068, 3101, 3134, 3196, 3229,
> 3262, 3294
> Caveat:
> According to:
> http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/astronomy/TropicalYear.html
> The length of year is decreasing each year. According to graphs in
> http://www.angelfire.com/dc2/calendrics/
> The real length of vernal equinox year (Iranian year) is increasing
> each year (from 351 BC to 3175 A.D.) According to Iranian tradition,
> vernal equinox should happen before noon (I think it means
> astronomical noon). So, there is not much we can do with simple
> algorithms other than trying to approximate the real world, and
> understanding the fact that ALL calendar algorithms are only
> --

Well, so what do you suggest?  Working on an approximate
astronomical algorithm or go with Birashk's?

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