Hi folks
I am amazed about all the other pesty issues which we Europeans don't have to 
deal with!
Sounds to me, we have a book lurking there.......
British Museum
From: pestlist@googlegroups.com <pestlist@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Susan 
Buce <collecti...@gorgediscovery.org>
Sent: 08 February 2021 17:06
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com <pestlist@googlegroups.com>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: [PestList] foxes and sound emitters

I agree that predator urine is the best non-toxic deterrent to pest mammals. I 
had great success in encouraging skunks to vacate the premises under my house 
when I sprinkled cougar urine liberally around the hole they dug.

Bear urine might be effective, or perhaps you can find some wolf urine 
(although I should think coyote, while non-native to the UK, would have the 
same effect as wolf?

I’m finding an ad online for “thepeemart.com<http://thepeemart.com>”  and they 
sell wolf urine as well. $21.99 in US dollars, so not very expensive.

We have foxes at our museum, but since we have 54 acres and are in a semi-arid 
climate, there’s no well-manicured lawn to disrupt, only native plants in the 
landscape. Rattlesnakes and scorpions, however, are a different problem.

Susan Buce, Museum Registrar

Columbia Gorge Discovery Center and Museum

5000 Discovery Drive

The Dalles, Oregon 97058


541-296-8600 ext. 242


From: 'Adrian Doyle' via MuseumPests 
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2021 5:55 AM
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: [PestList] foxes and sound emitters

Dear pesty people

Thanks, I’ll pass this over to our contractor


From: 'McManus, Blyth L' via MuseumPests 
Sent: 08 February 2021 12:51
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: [PestList] foxes and sound emitters

I agree with the suggestion of coyote scent. One of my outdoorsy co-workers 
suggested that the foxes might not like human scent, but that may depend on how 
tame they have become.


From: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com> 
<pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>> on behalf of 
Voron, Joel <jvo...@cwf.org<mailto:jvo...@cwf.org>>
Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 7:44 AM
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com> 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [PestList] foxes and sound emitters

 This email has been received from outside of DOI - Use caution before clicking 
on links, opening attachments, or responding.

The foxes may still be scared of the scent. May smell like some strange new 
monster to them. JTV


Amazon.com : PredatorPee Original Coyote Urine 16oz Spray Bottle Combo with 
ScentTags : Garden &amp; 

Amazon.com : PredatorPee Original Coyote Urine 16oz Spray Bottle Combo with 
ScentTags : Garden &amp; Outdoor


Joel Voron   Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

  Conservation Dept.

     Integrated Pest Management

      Office 757-220-7080

        Cell 757-634-1175

          E-Mail jvo...@cwf.org<mailto:jvo...@cwf.org>



From: 'Adrian Doyle' via MuseumPests 
Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 7:30 AM
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com> 
Subject: Re: [PestList] foxes and sound emitters

[CAUTION: This message originated from outside the Foundation. Do not click 
links, open attachments or take action unless you know the contents are safe]

thanks Joel but we don't have coyotes in the UK!


From: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com> 
<pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>> on behalf of 
Voron, Joel <jvo...@cwf.org<mailto:jvo...@cwf.org>>
Sent: 08 February 2021 12:12
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com> 
Subject: Re: [PestList] foxes and sound emitters

Maybe order some coyote urine and place that around for a couple of days and 
see if that could get them to move on? Should be a cheap experiment. JTV

Joel Voron   Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

  Conservation Dept.

     Integrated Pest Management

      Office 757-220-7080<tel:757-220-7080>

        Cell 757-634-1175<tel:757-634-1175>

          E-Mail jvo...@cwf.org<mailto:jvo...@cwf.org>

On Feb 8, 2021, at 6:57 AM, 'Adrian Doyle' via MuseumPests 
<pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>> wrote:

[CAUTION: This message originated from outside the Foundation. Do not click 
links, open attachments or take action unless you know the contents are safe]

Hi folks

the foxes have started digging up into our lovely lawns in the front of the 
British Museum.

We know where they live and have been working with the private residences to 
deal with this.

Has anyone had any success with sound emitters or water squirt jets?



Adrian M Doyle is currently working from home but is available via e mail on 

Adrian (Adie ) Doyle

Integrated Pest Manager

Department of Property and Facilities Management

British Museum



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