Yes, Katy. You can see that the body shape, scale pattern and scale morphology 
are the same in those photographs. Scales get rubbed off over time, especially 
when they try to push into narrow places. More recently eclosed adults might 
have a somewhat pale body integument to start. Other Anthrenus species have 
different scale morphology, pattern and other coloration differences, too.

Louis N. Sorkin, B.C.E. (Retired)

Entomologist, Arachnologist, Myriapodologist

Insect Cuisine & Entomophagy Research


Visiting Scientist | Division of Invertebrate Zoology | American Museum of 
Natural History

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The New York Entomological Society, Inc.

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From: <> on behalf of Katy 
Corneli <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 5:45 PM
To: <>
Subject: [PestList] Carpet Beetle Risk


Hello all,

In the four years that I have been doing IPM at my current museum we have 
trapped three adult carpet beetles. (I have logged them as Anthrenus verbasci 
though am open to correction). My question is less about identification and 
more about threat level. The three beetles in the attached images were found in 
traps on two different levels of the museum each at least a year apart. I put 
down additional traps in the area each time I came across one and never came up 
with any more beetles or their larvae. I assumed they were incidental, brought 
in on the clothing of our visitors. Looking back at my photos though I began to 

The first two images are from May of 2018 and March 2021 and the pattern on 
their elytra(?) looks nearly identical to my novice eyes. Our third specimen, 
found in July of 2019, strikes me as very similar also but a bit “paler” in its 
coloring. I don’t know much about these insects beyond what their larvae can do 
to our collection. Are similar patterns indicative of some localized “family” 
of beetles somewhere in our building? Or would any member of this species have 
such a pattern? Most importantly, is there anything else I can do besides 
laying down additional traps and monitoring more frequently to assess the 
actual threat level these specimens represent? Any insight is much appreciated.

Thank you,


Katharine Corneli
Collections Manager | Conservator

Office: 435-613-5765


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